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Representing numerosity through vibration patterns
IEEE Transactions on Haptics ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1109/toh.2020.2988211
Myrthe Plaisier , Raymond Holt , Astrid M.L. Kappers

It can be useful to display information about numerosity haptically. For instance, to display the time of day or distances when visual or auditory feedback is not possible or desirable. Here, we investigated the possibility of displaying numerosity information by means of a sequence of vibration pulses. From previous studies on numerosity perception in vision, haptics and audition it is known that numerosity judgment can be facilitated by grouping. Therefore, we investigated whether perception of the number of vibration pulses in a sequence can be facilitated by temporally grouping the pulses. We found that indeed temporal grouping can lead to considerably smaller errors and lower error rates indicating that this facilitated the task, but only when participants knew in advance whether the pulses would be temporally grouped. When grouped and ungrouped series of pulses were presented randomly interleaved, there was no difference in performance. This means that temporally grouping vibration sequences can allow the sequence to be displayed at a faster rate while it remains possible to perceive the number of vibration pulses accurately if the users is aware of the temporal grouping.


