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Exposure aboard high-performance Marine craft increases musculoskeletal pain and lowers contemporary work capacity of the occupants
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-29 , DOI: 10.1177/1475090220981466
Manudul Pahansen de Alwis 1 , Riccardo LoMartire 2 , Björn O Äng 2, 3, 4 , Karl Garme 1

High-Performance Marine Craft (HPMC) occupants are currently being investigated for various psychophysical impairments degrading work performance postulating that these deteriorations are related to their occupational exposures. However, scientific evidence for this is lacking and the association of exposure conditions aboard HPMC with adverse health and performance effects is unknown. Therefore, the study estimates the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain (MSP) among HPMC occupants and the association of their work exposure with MSP and performance degradation. It also presents a criterion for evaluating the self-reported exposure severity aboard three different types of mono-hull HPMC; displacement, semi-displacement and planing, on a par with the available standard criteria for objectively measurable exposures. Furthermore, another criterion is proposed to assess the performance-degradation of HPMC occupants based on self-reported fatigue symptoms and MSP. Swedish Coast Guard HPMC occupants were surveyed for MSP, fatigue symptoms as well as for work-related and individual risk indicators using a validated web-based questionnaire. Prevalence of MSP and performance-degradation during the past 12 months were assessed and presented as a percentage of the sample. Associations of exposure conditions aboard HPMC with MSP and performance-capacity were systematically evaluated using multiple logistic regression models and expressed as odds ratio (OR). Prevalence of MSP was 72% among which lower back pain was the most prevalent (46%) followed by neck pain (29%) and shoulder pain (23%) while 29% with degraded performance. Exposure to severe conditions aboard semi-displacement craft was associated with lower back (OR = 2.3) and shoulder (OR = 2.6) pain while severe conditions aboard planing craft with neck pain (OR = 2.3) and performance-degradation (OR = 2.6). MSP is common among Swedish coast guards. Severe exposure conditions aboard HPMC are significantly associated with both MSP and performance-degradation. The spine and shoulders are the most susceptible to work-related MSP among HPMC occupants which should be targeted in work-related preventive and corrective measures.



目前正在对高性能海洋航行器(HPMC)乘员进行各种心理物理损害的调查,这些损害会降低工作绩效,假定这些恶化与他们的职业暴露有关。但是,尚缺乏对此的科学证据,并且未知HPMC上的暴露条件与不良健康和性能影响之间的关联。因此,该研究估计了HPMC乘员中肌肉骨骼疼痛(MSP)的患病率以及他们的工作暴露与MSP和性能下降之间的关系。它还提出了一种评估三种不同类型的单体船型HPMC上自我报告的暴露严重性的标准。位移,半位移和刨光,与客观可测量的曝光量的可用标准标准相当。此外,根据自我报告的疲劳症状和MSP,提出了另一个评估HPMC乘员性能下降的标准。使用经过验证的基于网络的调查表,对瑞典海岸警卫队HPMC乘员进行了MSP,疲劳症状以及与工作有关的和个人的风险指标的调查。对过去12个月中MSP的患病率和性能下降进行了评估,并以样品的百分比表示。使用多个逻辑回归模型系统地评估了HPMC上的暴露条件与MSP和性能-容量的关联,并表示为优势比(OR)。MSP的患病率为72%,其中下背部疼痛最为普遍(46%),其次是颈部疼痛(29%)和肩部疼痛(23%),而29%的患者表现降低。暴露在半排水量飞行器上的严酷条件下与腰背(OR = 2.3)和肩部(OR = 2.6)疼痛相关,而滑行飞行器上的严酷条件下则患有颈部疼痛(OR = 2.3)和性能下降(OR = 2.6) 。MSP在瑞典海岸警卫队中很常见。HPMC上的严重暴露条件与MSP和性能下降均显着相关。在HPMC乘员中,脊柱和肩膀最容易受到与工作相关的MSP的伤害,应针对与工作相关的预防和纠正措施。HPMC上的严重暴露条件与MSP和性能下降均显着相关。在HPMC乘员中,脊柱和肩膀最容易受到与工作相关的MSP的伤害,应针对与工作相关的预防和纠正措施。HPMC上的严重暴露条件与MSP和性能下降均显着相关。在HPMC乘员中,脊柱和肩膀最容易受到与工作相关的MSP的伤害,应针对与工作相关的预防和纠正措施。
