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Comparative ultrastructure and ornamentation characteristics of scales in gobiid species (Teleostei: Gobiidae) using the scanning electron microscope
Microscopy Research and Technique ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-29 , DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23683
Reza Sadeghi 1, 2 , Hamid Reza Esmaeili 1, 3, 4 , Azad Teimori 5 , Mehregan Ebrahimi 1 , Ali Gholamhosseini 1

To study scale based phylogenetic affinity, the ultrastructure and ornamentation characteristics of body key scales were studied for 12 gobiid species from the Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf including Qeshm and Hormuz Islands and the Makran coast of the Oman Sea using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique. The scales were removed from below the first dorsal fin, cleaned in potassium hydroxide solution 1%, and were prepared for the SEM imaging. The presence of both ctenoid and cycloid scales in the studied gobiids was revealed. The focus of ctenoid scales was positioned posteriorly, while the focus of cycloid scales was positioned in the postero-central part of the scale. In all the studied species, radii were located only on the anterior part of the scale, and the primary radii were dominant. Also, there were no granules in the inter circular space, but bifurcation was observed in some circuli. In most species, the teeth-like structures called lepidonts were present on the crest of circuli, which functionally help to firmly attach the scales to the epithelium. The dendrogram of the between-groups-linkage method sorted the gobiid species into the two main groups of five distinct clusters: (a) Cryptocentroides arabicus and Cryptocentrus cyanotaenia (the Cryptocentrus-lineage); (b) Bathygobius meggitti and Bathygobius cocosensis (the Glossogobius-lineage); (c) Coryogalops adamsoni and Coryogalops tessellatus (the Gobius-lineage); (d) Acentrogobius dayi, Istigobius ornatus, Favonigobius reichei, Aulopareia ocellata, and Silhouettea ghazalae (the Gobiopsis-lineage). It seems that the dendrogram topology obtained based on the macro-and microscopic structures of scales, reveals phylogenetic lineages of gobies that have already been proposed for these taxa. Hence, the results of this study are largely consistent with the previous molecular studies on the gobiid fishes and implied that besides other data, the analysis of scale shape and scale-surface microstructures could be served to study the diversification of gobiid species.



为了研究基于尺度的系统发育亲和力,使用扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 研究了来自波斯湾伊朗海岸(包括格什姆和霍尔木兹群岛以及阿曼海的马克兰海岸)的 12 种戈壁鱼的身体关键尺度的超微结构和装饰特征技术。从第一背鳍下方去除鳞片,在 1% 氢氧化钾溶液中清洗,并准备用于 SEM 成像。揭示了研究的戈壁鱼中存在栉鳞片和摆线鳞片。栉鳞的焦点位于后部,而摆线鳞的焦点位于鳞片的后中央部分。在所有研究的物种中,半径仅位于鳞片的前部,并且初级半径占优势。还有,环间空间没有颗粒,但在一些环中观察到分叉。在大多数物种中,称为鳞齿的齿状结构存在于环的顶部,其功能有助于将鳞片牢固地附着在上皮上。组间连锁方法的树状图将戈壁物种分为五个不同簇的两个主要组:(a)Cryptocentroides arabicusCryptocentrus cyanotaeniaCryptocentrus谱系);(b) Bathygobius meggittiBathygobius cocosensisGlossogobius谱系);(c) Coryogalops adamsoniCoryogalops tessellatusGobius谱系);(d) Acentrogobius dayiIstigobius ornatusFavonigobius reicheiAulopareia ocellataSilhouettea ghazalae ( Gobiopsis-血统)。似乎基于尺度的宏观和微观结构获得的树状图拓扑揭示了已经为这些分类群提出的虾虎鱼的系统发育谱系。因此,本研究的结果与以往对鳉鱼的分子研究大体一致,表明除其他数据外,对鳞片形状和鳞片表面微观结构的分析可用于研究鲭鱼物种的多样化。