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Modeling seagrass bed dynamics under environmental impacts of intensive mariculture activities in Bolinao and Anda, the Philippines
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2020.107152
Masaya Yoshikai , Takashi Nakamura , Yoshiyuki Tanaka , Masahiro Nakaoka , Atsushi Watanabe , Eugene C. Herrera , Takumi Tsuchiya , Toshihiro Miyajima , Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone , Miguel D. Fortes , Ariel C. Blanco , Ayin M. Tamondong , Kazuo Nadaoka

This study assessed the estuarine-scale dynamics of mixed seagrass beds in Bolinao and Anda coastal areas in the Philippines, where seagrass beds have declined primarily due to eutrophication-induced degradation of light environment caused by unregulated mariculture activities in the adjacent areas. A seagrass model, driven by a coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model, was developed and applied to the two-dominant species in the area – Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus acoroides, and validated using observed spatial seagrass shoot density. The results showed the degradation of light environment in the seagrass beds, especially near mariculture areas, due to advective fluxes of water with high phytoplankton biomass and high nutrients from fish farms. The seagrass model driven by the reproduced water quality showed high reproducibility of seagrass above-ground biomass distribution of the two co-existing species, with R2 values of 0.78 and 0.60 for T. hemprichii and E. acoroides, respectively. Scenario analysis was conducted to examine the effectiveness of individual- and inter-municipality mariculture management (e.g., regulating fish feed input) in improving the light environment and facilitating the recovery of seagrasses. Results showed that the light environment could be significantly enhanced by an inter-municipality scheme compared to individual efforts of Bolinao and Anda municipalities, since their waters are interconnected through hydrodynamics. In conjunction with the improvement of light conditions, the recovery in seagrass abundance is most significant under the cooperative management scheme, thus highlighting its effectiveness.



这项研究评估了菲律宾波里尼奥和安达沿海地区海藻混合床的河口尺度动态,这些海藻床减少主要是由于富营养化导致的光环境的恶化,该环境是由于邻近地区海水养殖活动不受管制而引起的。开发了由水动力-生物地球化学耦合模型驱动的海草模型,并将其应用于该地区的两个主要物种——Thalsia hemprichiiEnhalus潮粉体,并使用观察到的空间海草枝条密度进行了验证。结果表明,由于水流具有高的浮游植物生物量和高养分的养分流,海草床,特别是海水养殖区附近的光环境退化了。再生水水质驱动的海草模型显示了两种共存物种海草地上生物量分布的高度可复制性,汉普氏锥虫a虫的R 2值分别为0.78和0.60 , 分别。进行了情景分析,以检查个人和城市间海水养殖管理(例如,调节鱼的饲料投入)在改善光照环境和促进海草恢复方面的有效性。结果表明,与波里尼奥市和安达市的个人努力相比,通过市政府间方案可以大大改善光环境,因为它们的水通过流体动力学相互联系。结合光照条件的改善,在合作管理方案下海草丰度的恢复最为重要,从而突出了其有效性。
