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Early Aptian rudist faunas from the Taurides (Southern Turkey): their stratigraphic, palaeogeographic and palaeobiogeographic significance
Cretaceous Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2020.104739
Jean-Pierre Masse , Mükerrem Fenerci-Masse , Sacit Özer

The eastern Taurides yield an early Aptian rudist fauna including Agriopleura libanica and Offneria murgensis, two key members of the Arabo-African biome, reported for the first time in Turkey. The presence of this assemblage which closely resembles that of the Shu'aiba Formation of Saudi Arabia, Oman and the United Arab Emirates, fills a distributional, geographical gap between its Arabian, North African and Apulian occurences. The rudist fauna and the composition of the associated micropalaeontological elements suggest an early Bedoulian age and a close palaeogeographic proximity with the regional outer platform margin. The presence in the Taurides of an Arabo-African fauna is consistent with the palaeotectonic placement of the Anatolides-Taurides in between the Arabian promontory and the peri-Adriatic zone.



陶瑞德东部地区产生了一种早先的Aptian游牧动物区系,包括Agriopleura libanicaOffneria murgensis阿拉伯和非洲生物群系的两个主要成员,在土耳其首次报道。这种组合的存在与沙特阿拉伯,阿曼和阿拉伯联合酋长国的舒艾巴组极为相似,填补了其阿拉伯,北非和普利亚事件之间的分布,地理鸿沟。粗鲁的动物区系和相关的微古生物学元素的组成表明,贝杜勒时代早,与区域外平台边缘的古地理接近。阿拉伯-非洲动物群在Taurides中的存在与阿拉伯海角和亚得里亚海外围地区之间Anatolides-Taurides的古构造相吻合。
