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Effect of an ergonomic intervention involving workstation adjustments on musculoskeletal pain in office workers—a randomized controlled clinical trial
Industrial Health ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.2486/indhealth.2020-0188
Stefany Lee 1 , Fernanda Cabegi DE Barros 1 , Cristiane Shinohara Moriguchi DE Castro 1 , Tatiana DE Oliveira Sato 1

Office workers remain in a awkward position for long periods, which can lead to musculoskeletal symptoms. Ergonomic guidelines are recommended to avoid such problems. Evidence of the long-term effectiveness of ergonomic interventions is scarce. The aim of this randomised controlled trial was to compare pain intensity among office workers who received an ergonomic intervention and a control group before as well as 12, 24, and 36 wk after the intervention. Workers were randomly allocated to a control group (CG) and experimental group (EG). The EG received an ergonomic workstation intervention. Furniture measurements were related to individual anthropometric measurements to identify mismatches. The outcome was pain intensity, which was determined using a numerical pain scale and the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. A linear mixed model was created with pain intensity as the dependent variable. Group and time were the independent variables. No significant interactions were found between group and time. Significant differences between groups were found for the pain intensity in the neck, shoulder, upper back, and wrist/hand (p<0.05), with lower intensity in the EG. The intervention reduced pain intensity in the neck, shoulder, upper back, and wrist/hand. However, no reduction in pain intensity was found for the lower back or elbow.



办公室工作人员长时间处于尴尬的位置,这可能导致肌肉骨骼症状。建议采用符合人体工程学的准则以避免此类问题。人体工程学干预长期有效性的证据很少。这项随机对照试验的目的是比较接受人体工程学干预的办公室工作人员和对照组以及干预后 12、24 和 36 周的疼痛强度。工人被随机分配到对照组(CG)和实验组(EG)。EG 接受了符合人体工程学的工作站干预。家具测量与个人人体测量相关,以识别不匹配。结果是疼痛强度,这是使用数字疼痛量表和北欧肌肉骨骼问卷确定的。以疼痛强度作为因变量创建线性混合模型。组和时间是自变量。在组和时间之间没有发现显着的交互作用。颈部、肩部、上背部和腕部/手部的疼痛强度在组间存在显着差异。p < 0.05),EG 强度较低。干预减轻了颈部、肩部、上背部和手腕/手的疼痛强度。然而,没有发现下背部或肘部的疼痛强度减轻。
