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Association between gastrointestinal tract, claw disorders, on-farm mortality and feeding management in veal calves
Italian Journal of Animal Science ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1080/1828051x.2020.1863868
Luisa Magrin 1 , Flaviana Gottardo 1 , Barbara Contiero 1 , Giulio Cozzi 1


This study analysed potential associations between the prevalence of rumen, abomasum, liver, and claw disorders detected in 26 batches of Holstein veal calves through a post-mortem inspection at the slaughterhouse, and on-farm mortality and feeding management data. Organs of 15–16 calves per batch (16.5 rumens, 15.9 abomasa, 15.1 livers, and 31.1 claws) were inspected by 3 veterinarians in the slaughter-line. ‘Batch’ refers to group of calves belonging to the same farm and slaughter group. Hyperkeratosis and plaques were detected in over 60% of rumens per batch, and some cases, in all rumens. More than 85% of abomasa showed ulcerations. Sole haemorrhages were detected in 64 to 97% of claws. During fattening, calves received on average 312 kg of milk-replacer (MR) and 162 kg of solid feed (SF), composed mainly of corn grain (85–93% as-fed basis). Rumens with hyperkeratosis were positively correlated to the percentage of corn grain. Abomasa with large-sized-lesions in the pyloric area were positively correlated to the SF amount. Ulcerated abomasa were positively correlated to calves’ mortality reported by farmers. Cluster analysis identified 3 feeding plans. The first, based on MR administration and moderate SF amount, produced lighter carcasses and low-developed rumens, but reduced the prevalence of rumen hyperkeratosis and sole haemorrhages; the other two, more ‘aggressive’ by increasing the amount of SF or both SF and MR, produced heavier carcasses but worsened rumen and claw conditions. This study suggests the existence of different feeding practices used by veal producers that should be reviewed to improve calves’ welfare.

  • Highlights
  • Feeding plans based on moderate amount of solid feed together with the liquid diet reduce the prevalence of rumen alterations and sole haemorrhages

  • The provision of greater amount of high-grain solid feed throughout the fattening rises the prevalence of rumen hyperkeratosis and sole haemorrhages

  • None of the feeding plans were capable of decreasing the occurrence of abomasal ulcerations, which were positively associated with on-farm mortality





  • 强调
  • 以适量的固体饲料和流质饮食为基础的喂养计划可降低瘤胃变化和唯一出血的发生率

  • 在整个育肥过程中提供更多的高谷物固体饲料,会增加瘤胃角化过度和单纯出血的发生率

  • 没有一项喂养计划能够减少与农场死亡率成正相关的肉瘤溃疡的发生
