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Emergent Dark Energy, neutrinos and cosmological tensions
Physics of the Dark Universe ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dark.2020.100762
Weiqiang Yang , Eleonora Di Valentino , Supriya Pan , Olga Mena

The Phenomenologically Emergent Dark Energy model, a dark energy model with the same number of free parameters as the flat ΛCDM, has been proposed as a working example of a minimal model which can avoid the current cosmological tensions. A straightforward question is whether or not the inclusion of massive neutrinos and extra relativistic species may spoil such an appealing phenomenological alternative. We present the bounds on Mν and Neff and comment on the long standing H0 and σ8 tensions within this cosmological framework with a wealth of cosmological observations. Interestingly, we find, at 95% confidence level, and with the most complete set of cosmological observations, Mν0.210.14+0.15eV and Neff=3.03±0.32 i.e. an indication for a non-zero neutrino mass with a significance above 2σ. The well known Hubble constant tension is considerably easened, with a significance always below the 2σ level.



现象学上出现的暗能量模型,一种暗能量模型,其自由参数的数量与单位相同 Λ有人提出CDM作为最小模型的工作示例,它可以避免当前的宇宙学张力。一个直接的问题是,包含大量中微子和相对论物种是否会破坏这种吸引人的现象学选择。我们提出界限中号νñ 并评论长期存在 H0σ8在这个宇宙学框架内的紧张关系以及大量的宇宙学观察。有趣的是,我们发现置信水平为95%,并且通过最完整的宇宙学观测,中号ν021个-014+015电子伏特ñ=303±032 也就是说,具有高于上述意义的中微子质量为非零的指示 2σ。众所周知的哈勃恒张力已经大大减轻,其重要性始终低于2σ 水平。
