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Signal separation under coherent dictionaries and ℓp-bounded noise
Journal of Approximation Theory ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jat.2020.105524
Yu Xia , Song Li

In this paper, we discuss the compressed data separation problem. In order to reconstruct the distinct subcomponents, which are sparse in morphologically different dictionaries D1Rn×d1 and D2Rn×d2, we present a general class of convex optimization decoder. It can deal with signal separation under the corruption of different kinds of noises, including Gaussian noise (p=2), Laplacian noise (p=1), and uniformly bounded noise (p=).

Although the restricted isometry property adapted to frames is a commonly used tool, the measurement number is suboptimal when p>2. Furthermore, the p robust nullspace property adapted to Ψ, which is constructed by D1 and D2, may fail to work on data separation problem. Here we introduce the modified p robust nullspace property adapted to Ψ (abbreviated as the modified (p, Ψ)-RNSP). First of all, we show the robust recovery of signals based on the modified (p, Ψ)-RNSP and the mutual coherence between D1 and D2. Besides, we find that Gaussian measurements meet the modified (p, Ψ)-RNSP for any 1p, provided with the optimal number of measurements O(slog(ds)), where s is the sparsity level and d=d1+d2.

Furthermore, we introduce another properly constrained 1-analysis optimization model, called the Split Dantzig Selector. It can recover signals which are approximately sparse in terms of different frame representations, when the measurement matrix satisfies the modified (p, Ψ)-RNSP. As a special case, when considering Gaussian white noise, the recovery error by the Split Dantzig Selector is Oslogdm. It outperforms the 2-constrained model, whose recovery error is O(logm), if the sparsity level is small.


连贯字典下的信号分离和 p界噪声


尽管适合于框架的受限等轴测特性是一种常用工具,但是当 p>2。此外,p 健壮的nullspace属性适用于 Ψ,由 d1个d2,可能无法解决数据分离问题。这里我们介绍修改后​​的p 健壮的nullspace属性适用于 Ψ (缩写为修改后的(pΨ)-RNSP)。首先,我们展示了基于修改后的(pΨ)-RNSP与之间的相干性 d1个d2。此外,我们发现高斯测量值满足修改后的(pΨ)-RNSP 1个p,并提供最佳的测量数量 Øs日志ds,在哪里 s 是稀疏度, d=d1个+d2

此外,我们引入了另一个适当约束的 1个分析优化模型,称为拆分Dantzig选择器。当测量矩阵满足修改后的值时,它可以恢复在不同帧表示形式上近似稀疏的信号(pΨ)-RNSP。作为一种特殊情况,当考虑高斯白噪声时,Split Dantzig选择器的恢复误差为Øs日志d。它的表现优于2约束的模型,其恢复误差为 Ø日志,如果稀疏度较小。
