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Population Dynamics of the Gypsy Moth in Oak Forests in the Forest Steppes of European Russia
Contemporary Problems of Ecology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1134/s1995425520070069
N. I. Lyamtsev


There were five major outbreaks of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) population between 1977 and 2018. The representation of the phases combined with the their ecological and population indices made it possible to recognize the eruptive and relatively prodromal cycles in the dynamics. The permanent outbreak was a feature of the coppice oak forests in southeastern Europe. The mean population size of the gypsy moth was higher, the maximum density and range of fluctuations were lower, the minimum density was significantly higher, and long periods of time between the outbreaks were not found under the optimum conditions in degraded forest stands with a simple structure growing in a dry climate. The outbreaks occurred every 10 years, while the population fluctuations could be characterized by cycles of various intensity. An eruptive stage was followed by a less intense outbreak (relatively prodromal stage), which differed from conventional prodromal stage by the recovery of the population at a level above stable, which immediately led to a fast growth and a new outbreak. The reason was the insufficient controls set by the complex of polytrophic entomophags, which held the population of gypsy moths at a low to near-average number.




吉普赛蛾有5次主要暴发(Lymantria dispar(L.)人口在1977年至2018年之间。阶段的表示形式及其生态和人口指数,使人们有可能认识到动力学中的爆发性和前驱性周期。永久性爆发是东南欧的科普比橡树林的特征。吉普赛蛾的平均种群数量较大,最大密度和波动范围较小,最小密度明显较高,并且在最佳条件下,退化林分中没有发现两次暴发之间的长时间间隔。结构在干旱气候下生长。暴发每10年发生一次,而人口波动可以通过各种强度的周期来表征。爆发阶段之后爆发程度较轻(相对前驱阶段),与传统的前驱阶段不同的是,人口的恢复水平高于稳定水平,这立即导致了快速增长和新的爆发。原因是多营养昆虫噬菌体的复合物未能充分控制,使吉卜赛蛾的种群数量低至接近平均水平。
