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Dynamic Syntax and Proof Theory
Theoretical Linguistics ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1515/tl-2017-0011
Graham White

Kempson et al. (2016) deliver a well-reasoned, subtle and interesting critique of the current orthodoxy in linguistics, and also offer an alternative approach which, they would argue, goes a long way to remedying the problems that they have uncovered. I find their approach very appealing: I think that the issues which they have uncovered are genuine issues, and that their proposed resolution of these issues is a very plausible first step, but, I would argue, does not go far enough. First some words about my understanding of the main thesis of Kempson et al. (2016); the two main problems of the current linguistic authodoxy are propositionalism – the thesis that the fundamental objects of interest are propositions, that these are what language-using humans interact with, and consequently that these are the objects that linguistics must study – and antipragmatism, the thesis that pragmatics is not constitutive of the semantics or syntax of human language. By contrast, Kempson et al. (2016) advocate an approach to syntax which is resolutely higher order: the fundamental linguistic objects are what would, orthodoxly, be called sentence fragments, that humans use such sentence fragments against a context which provides them with a semantics, that, in the case of linguistic interaction, this context is shared between the participants, and that linguistic interaction typically operates on both context and sentence fragment, extending the sentence fragment, while simultaneously manipulating the context, until an assertion is made. From the present author’s standpoint – that is, against a background of algebraic geometry, the semantics of programming languages, and philosophy – this is a position which makes a great deal of sense: the evaluation of salient items against a context is well established in both algebraic geometry (Grothendieck 1970) and in the semantics of programming languages (Winskel


