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Names in Fiction
Theoretical Linguistics ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1515/tl-2017-0004
Dilip Ninan

Those of us familiar with Tolkien’s writings would seem to be in a position to accept both of these sentences. And yet how can we? If Frodo doesn’t really exist, then he doesn’t exist. If he doesn’t exist, then he doesn’t have any properties, and so doesn’t have the property of being a hobbit who was adopted by his cousin. So the truth of (2) would seem to preclude the truth of (1). Nevertheless, it seems that we should like to accept them both: in The Lord of the Rings, Frodo is a hobbit who was adopted by his cousin; but, of course, being a creature of fiction, Frodo doesn’t really exist. In his rich and imaginative essay, “Fictional Names in Psychologistic Semantics,” Emar Maier sets out to resolve this conundrum. Maier begins by helpfully setting out three approaches to fictional names (pp. 2–4). The first is realism. Realists urge us to extend our ontology to include fictional entities that can serve as the referents of fictional names (e.g. Parsons, 1980; Thomasson, 1999). From a semantic point of view, fictional names work much like ordinary proper names: both are simply referring expressions, something like the logician’s individual constants. Theorists with a “robust sense of reality” might balk at the metaphysical extravagance of the realist approach (Russell, 1919). But Maier does not press philosophical objections of this sort. Rather, he observes that (unless more is said) the realist approach predicts that (3) entails (4) (pp. 2–3):



我们那些熟悉托尔金著作的人似乎可以接受这两个句子。但是我们怎么能呢?如果Frodo确实不存在,那么他就不存在。如果他不存在,那么他就没有任何财产,也就没有被表弟收养的霍比特人的财产。因此,(2)的真相似乎排除了(1)的真相。然而,似乎我们都想接受它们两者:在《指环王》中,佛罗多是一个被他的表亲收养的霍比特人。但是,当然,佛罗多(Frodo)作为虚构的动物并不真正存在。Emar Maier在他丰富而富有想象力的论文“心理学语义学中的虚构名称”中着手解决了这个难题。Maier首先提出了三种虚构名称的命名方法(第2-4页)。首先是现实主义。现实主义者敦促我们将本体扩展到包括可以用作虚构名称指称的虚构实体(例如Parsons,1980; Thomasson,1999)。从语义的角度来看,虚构名称的工作方式与普通专有名称很相似:两者都只是引用表达式,类似于逻辑学家的单个常量。具有“强大的现实感”的理论家可能会对现实主义方法的形而上奢侈不屑一顾(Russell,1919年)。但是,迈耶并没有提出这种哲学上的反对意见。相反,他观察到(除非进一步说明),现实主义方法预测(3)需要(4)(第2–3页):两者都只是引用表达式,类似于逻辑学家的单个常量。具有“强大的现实感”的理论家可能会对现实主义方法的形而上奢侈不屑一顾(Russell,1919年)。但是,迈耶并没有提出这种哲学上的反对意见。相反,他观察到(除非进一步说明),现实主义方法预测(3)需要(4)(第2–3页):两者都只是引用表达式,类似于逻辑学家的单个常量。具有“稳健的现实感”的理论家可能会对现实主义方法的形而上奢侈不屑一顾(Russell,1919年)。但是,迈耶并没有提出这种哲学上的反对意见。相反,他观察到(除非进一步说明),现实主义方法预测(3)需要(4)(第2–3页):