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Improving Child Health and Cognition: Evidence from a School-Based Nutrition Intervention in India
The Review of Economics and Statistics ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-10 , DOI: 10.1162/rest_a_00950
Marion Krämer 1 , Santosh Kumar 2 , Sebastian Vollmer 3

We present experimental evidence on the impact of the use of double-fortified salt in school-meals on anemia, cognition, and the learning outcomes of primary school children in rural Bihar, one of the poorest regions of India. We find that year-long intervention had statistically significant positive impacts on hemoglobin levels and reduced anemia by 20%, but these health gains did not translate into significant impacts on cognitive performance, test scores, and school attendance. Treatment effects on anemia and test scores were larger for children with higher school attendance. The findings indicate that school-based health programs are cost-effective and scalable intervention to reduce anemia among school children in resource-constrained countries.



我们提供了关于在学校膳食中使用双重强化盐对印度最贫困地区之一比哈尔邦农村小学生贫血、认知和学习成果的影响的实验证据。我们发现,为期一年的干预对血红蛋白水平产生了统计学上显着的积极影响,并将贫血减少了 20%,但这些健康收益并未转化为对认知表现、考试成绩和入学率的显着影响。对于上学率较高的儿童,治疗对贫血和考试成绩的影响更大。研究结果表明,在资源有限的国家,以学校为基础的健康计划是减少学童贫血的具有成本效益和可扩展的干预措施。