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Open and Shut: Open Access in Hybrid Educational Technology Journals 2010 – 2017
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.19173/irrodl.v20i5.4383
Eamon Costello , Tom Farrelly , Tony Murphy

Little is known about open access publishing in educational technology journals that employ a hybrid model which charges authors only if they wish to publish via gold open access. In this study we sought to address this gap in the scholarly understanding of open access publishing in hybrid journals that publish research into the intersection of education and technology. We analysed three categories of article access types: gold, green, and limited access, and collected data on their prevalence in the seven-year period from 2010-2017 across 29 journals. Data was gathered from Scopus, Unpaywall, Sherpa RoMEO, and via manual searches of the journal websites, resulting in a dataset comprising the metadata of 8,479 articles. Our findings highlight that most research remains locked behind paywalls, that open access publishing through legal means is a minority activity for the scholars involved, and that the complexity and costs of legal open access publishing in these journals may be inhibiting the accessibility of research to readers.


开放与关闭:混合教育技术期刊的开放获取2010 – 2017

对于采用混合模型的教育技术期刊中的开放获取出版知之甚少,这种混合模式仅在作者希望通过黄金开放获取发表时才向作者收费。在本研究中,我们试图解决学术期刊对开放存取出版的学术理解中的这一空白,这些期刊将研究发表在教育与技术的交汇处。我们分析了三类文章访问类型:黄金,绿色和受限访问,并收集了2010年至2017年这7年期间29种期刊的流行率数据。数据是从Scopus,Unpaywall,Sherpa RoMEO以及通过手动搜索期刊网站收集的,从而形成了一个包含8479篇文章的元数据的数据集。我们的研究结果表明,大多数研究仍处于收费壁垒之后,