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Ecological Approach to Academic Achievement in the Face of War and Military Violence: Mediating and Moderating Role of School, Family, and Child Characteristics
The Elementary School Journal ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-01 , DOI: 10.1086/698730
Safwat Y. M. Diab , Marja Guillaume , Raija-Leena Punamäki

Based on the ecological-transactional model by Bronfenbrenner, this study tested the mediating roles of school, family, and child characteristics between academic achievement and both traumatic war experiences and stressful life events. It further examined which of these characteristics could protect academic achievement from negative trauma impacts. Participants were 303 Palestinian children (51.2% girls; age, M = 10.94 ± .50 years) and their parents. Standard tests measured children’s language and math achievements. Children reported on motivational beliefs, learning, and coping strategies; teachers’ practices and peer relationships; sibling relationships and parents’ scholastic involvement; and war trauma and stressful life events. Results showed that parental scholastic involvement and children’s motivation and learning strategies mediated between war trauma and academic achievement, whereas teachers’ practices, siblingship, and children’s motivation and learning strategies mediated the impacts of stressful life events on achievement. Good peer relationships and, marginally, parental scholastic encouragement functioned as protective factors for children’s academic achievement in war conditions.



本研究基于 Bronfenbrenner 的生态交易模型,测试了学校、家庭和儿童特征在学业成就与创伤性战争经历和压力生活事件之间的中介作用。它还进一步研究了这些特征中的哪些可以保护学业成就免受负面创伤影响。参与者是 303 名巴勒斯坦儿童(51.2% 是女孩;年龄,M = 10.94 ± .50 岁)和他们的父母。标准测试衡量儿童的语言和数学成绩。儿童报告了动机信念、学习和应对策略;教师的实践和同伴关系;兄弟姐妹关系和父母的学术参与;以及战争创伤和压力生活事件。结果表明,父母的学术参与和儿童的动机和学习策略在战争创伤和学业成就之间起到中介作用,而教师的做法、兄弟姐妹关系以及儿童的动机和学习策略在压力性生活事件对成就的影响之间起到中介作用。良好的同伴关系和父母的学术鼓励在一定程度上起到了保护儿童在战争条件下学业成就的作用。