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Influence of self-motivation and intrinsic motivational factors for small and medium business growth: A South African case study
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-29 , DOI: 10.4102/sajems.v21i1.1994
Thandukwazi R. Ncube , Robert W.D. Zondo

Background: This study investigates the influence of intrinsic motivational factors for small and medium enterprise (SME) growth in the eThekwini District Municipality in South Africa (SA). Aim: It examines whether self-motivation of business owners operating in the furniture manufacturing sector has an influence on SME growth. Setting: Of the 127 SMEs operating in the eThekwini District Municipality, 112 participated in the study representing 88% of the target population. Methods: Descriptive, chi-square and correlative analyses were used to test the two objectives. That is, to determine the influence of self-motivation of business owners for SME growth, as well as to establish the intrinsic motivational factors that stimulate creativity for SME growth. Results: The study revealed that the intrinsic motivational factors of business owners do influence SME growth in SA. These factors include exerting effort for business growth interest, finding new solutions to business problems to achieve growth, growing business for recognition, belief to produce the desired outcomes, taking responsibilities for business expansion, the need for advancement, and growth aspiration that enables the business owner to take risks in order to grow the business. Conclusion: The outcome is that a self-motivated business owner has the ability to grow the business. The study provides valuable data relating to intrinsic motivational factors. Such factors are the enablers of creativity and business growth. It provides initial baseline data upon which to base future work.



背景:本研究调查了内在动机因素对南非eThekwini District Municipality(SA)中的中小企业(SME)增长的影响。目的:研究家具制造业中企业主的自我激励是否对中小企业的成长产生影响。设置:在eThekwini区辖市经营的127家中小型企业中,有112家参与了这项研究,占目标人口的88%。方法:使用描述性,卡方和相关分析来检验这两个目标。也就是说,确定企业主的自我激励对中小企业成长的影响,并建立激发中小企业成长创造力的内在动机因素。结果:研究表明,企业主的内在动机因素确实会影响南非中小企业的增长。这些因素包括:为业务增长兴趣而努力;为业务问题找到新的解决方案以实现增长;不断增长的业务以得到认可;相信产生期望的结果;承担业务扩展的责任;对发展的需求;以及实现业务的增长期望所有者要冒险才能发展业务。结论:结果是,一个自我激励的企业主有能力发展业务。该研究提供了与内在动机因素有关的有价值的数据。这些因素是创造力和业务增长的推动力。它提供了初始基准数据,可作为将来工作的基础。这些因素包括:为业务增长兴趣而努力;为业务问题找到新的解决方案以实现增长;不断增长的业务以得到认可;相信产生期望的结果;承担业务扩展的责任;对发展的需求;以及实现业务的增长期望所有者要冒险才能发展业务。结论:结果是,一个自我激励的企业主有能力发展业务。该研究提供了与内在动机因素有关的有价值的数据。这些因素是创造力和业务增长的推动力。它提供了初始基准数据,可作为将来工作的基础。这些因素包括:为业务增长兴趣而努力;为业务问题找到新的解决方案以实现增长;不断增长的业务以得到认可;相信产生期望的结果;承担业务扩展的责任;对发展的需求;以及实现业务的增长期望所有者要冒险才能发展业务。结论:结果是,一个自我激励的企业主有能力发展业务。该研究提供了与内在动机因素有关的有价值的数据。这些因素是创造力和业务增长的推动力。它提供了初始基准数据,可作为将来工作的基础。负责业务扩展,发展的需要和增长愿望,使企业所有者能够承担风险以发展业务。结论:结果是,一个自我激励的企业主有能力发展业务。该研究提供了与内在动机因素有关的有价值的数据。这些因素是创造力和业务增长的推动力。它提供了初始基准数据,可作为将来工作的基础。负责业务扩展,发展的需要和增长愿望,使企业所有者能够承担风险以发展业务。结论:结果是,一个自我激励的企业主有能力发展业务。该研究提供了与内在动机因素有关的有价值的数据。这些因素是创造力和业务增长的推动力。它提供了初始基准数据,可作为将来工作的基础。这些因素是创造力和业务增长的推动力。它提供了初始基准数据,可作为将来工作的基础。这些因素是创造力和业务增长的推动力。它提供了初始基准数据,可作为将来工作的基础。