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Using Taylorism to make work easier: A work procedure perspective
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-20 , DOI: 10.4102/sajems.v21i1.2120
Emeka A. Ndaguba , Ogochukwu I. Nzewi , Edwin C. Ijeoma , Matemba Sambumbu , Modeni M. Sibanda

Today’s newspapers, magazines and articles show particular concern with non-compliance in work procedures that improve the performance of government functionality in South Africa as alluded to by the Auditor General South Africa (AGSA) reports 2010–2015. This assertion is reinforced by Scheepers (2012): ‘... negligence is a failure to comply with the standard of care that would be exercised in circumstances by a reasonable person’. The implication of Scheepers’s assertion can be summarised as the effect of non-compliance on organisational success, in that non-compliance impacts negatively on staff performance, increases government wastage and results in suffering of the community and consequences that go far beyond the penalties and fines assigned to the individual or the department. Taylor’s famous dictum is thus useful here: ‘... in the past, man has been first, in the future the System will be first’ (Kanigel 1997; Rastegar 2004:78); this stresses the need for systems to operate optimally over individuals. Therefore, compliance is not mere rhetoric or mere formalities; rather, it is an avenue to rid a system of controversies and uncertainties and to improve a system rather than improving an individual.



南非审计总署(AGSA)报告称,今天的报纸,杂志和文章特别关注违反工作程序的行为,这些行为会提高南非政府职能的绩效(AGSA)2010-2015年报告。Scheepers(2012)进一步强调了这一主张:“ ...过失是指没有遵守合理的人在适当情况下会采取的谨慎标准”。Scheepers主张的含义可以概括为不遵守对组织成功的影响,因为不遵守对员工绩效产生负面影响,增加了政府的浪费,导致社区遭受苦难,其后果远远超出了罚款和罚款的范围。分配给个人或部门。因此,泰勒的著名格言在这里很有用:“ ...过去,人是第一,将来系统将是第一”(Kanigel 1997; Rastegar 2004:78);这强调了对系统进行最佳操作的需求。因此,遵守不仅是夸夸其谈,也不是手续。相反,这是摆脱有争议和不确定性的系统并改进系统而不是改善个人的途径。