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Why did Trump say “I hope you will let Flynn go” to Comey?
Pragmatics and Society ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-28 , DOI: 10.1075/ps.17024.cap
Alessandro Capone 1 , Antonino Bucca 1

In this paper, we analyse and discuss an utterance/pragmeme/pract proffered by US President Donald Trump and addressed to FBI Director Comey: ‘I hope you will let Flynn go’. 1 We consider the explicature of this utterance (‘I hope you will drop the Russian investigation concerning Flynn’) and its illocutionary and perlocutionary effects. We argue that while Republicans opt for an Austinian or Searlean analysis, in the attempt to deny that this utterance constituted an attempt to influence Comey, there are reasons for adopting a Strawsonian analysis, casting it in the framework of pragmemes, devised by Mey (2001) , that frame a socio-pragmatic analysis of utterance interpretation within context. This analysis shows, Trump illicitly tried to persuade Comey to drop the Russian investigation, and therefore attempted to interfere with the judiciary system. A reasoned case can be made for saying that Trump had the intention of interfering with America’s federal court system through this utterance.



在本文中,我们分析和讨论了美国总统唐纳德特朗普向联邦调查局局长科米提出的一句话/语气/做法:“我希望你让弗林走”。1 我们考虑这句话的解释(“我希望你放弃对弗林的俄罗斯调查”)及其言外之意和言外之意。我们认为,虽然共和党人选择奥斯汀式或西尔林式的分析,但为了否认这种言论构成了影响科米的企图,有理由采用斯特劳森式的分析,将其置于 Mey 设计的语用学框架中(2001 年) ) ,这构成了对语境中话语解释的社会语用分析。这一分析表明,特朗普非法试图说服科米放弃对俄罗斯的调查,因此企图干涉司法系统。可以说特朗普有意通过这番话来干涉美国的联邦法院系统,这是有道理的。