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Membership categorization and storytelling
Pragmatics and Society ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-22 , DOI: 10.1075/ps.18010.day
Dennis Day 1 , Susanne Kjaerbeck 2

Abstract In this paper, we demonstrate how the collaborative and sequential unfolding of a story ties into the constitution of a membership categorization device which we have glossed as ‘us and them’. The data come from a focus group activity where first and second generation immigrants to Denmark have been asked to discuss their situation in Denmark. Using Ethnomethodological Conversation and Membership Categorization Analysis, we present one story which involves a story-teller and his family and an elderly Danish couple living in the same block of flats. In the telling of the story, co-participants align and affiliate, and disalign and disaffiliate, at sequentially relevant junctions. We will argue that not only do such phenomena indicate listenership and possible agreement to the moral of the story in its telling, but also to the morally implicative categorical work involved in the story’s telling.



摘要 在本文中,我们展示了一个故事的协作和顺序展开如何与我们将其称为“我们和他们”的成员分类设备的构成联系在一起。数据来自一个焦点小组活动,在该活动中,第一代和第二代丹麦移民被要求讨论他们在丹麦的情况。使用民族方法论对话和成员分类分析,我们展示了一个故事,其中涉及一个讲故事的人和他的家人以及住在同一栋公寓的一对丹麦老年夫妇。在故事的讲述中,共同参与者在顺序相关的连接点对齐和关联,以及不对齐和不关联。我们将争辩说,这些现象不仅表明了倾听者和可能同意故事讲述中的道德,