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The freshman swimmer and the intoxicated woman
Pragmatics and Society ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-31 , DOI: 10.1075/ps.17016.vie
Vanessa Viehbeck 1

Abstract This article investigates the linguistic manifestations of gender discriminating stereotypes in the news coverage of the 2015 rape case “People v. Turner”. The case centers around a rape perpetrated by Brock Turner on the Stanford University campus in California. Articles from the online edition of the Stanford Daily are systematically analysed with respect to rape-myth consistent argumentation, amount of coverage granted to the perspectives of victim and perpetrator, naming/labelling of victim and perpetrator, and the transitivity choices that were made. All these factors can be identified in the news coverage of the Brock Turner case in one way or another. They result in victim blaming and mitigating perpetrator responsibility serving to show that sexist reporting is still an important issue where serious crimes like rape are concerned. Such linguistic practices re-victimise victims of sexist violence and ultimately contribute to a misogynist discourse and the reproduction and perpetuation of sexist stereotypes.



摘要 本文探讨了2015年强奸案“人民诉特纳”新闻报道中性别歧视刻板印象的语言表现。案件围绕布洛克·特纳在加州斯坦福大学校园犯下的强奸案展开。斯坦福日报在线版的文章就强奸神话一致的论点、给予受害者和肇事者观点的报道量、受害者和肇事者的命名/标签以及所做出的传递选择进行了系统分析。所有这些因素都可以在 Brock Turner 案件的新闻报道中以一种或另一种方式确定。它们导致受害者指责和减轻肇事者的责任,表明性别歧视报告仍然是涉及强奸等严重犯罪的重要问题。