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Manipulation as an ideological tool in the political genre of Parliamentary discourses
Pragmatics ( IF 1.255 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-29 , DOI: 10.1075/prag.27.2.02cab
Ana Belén Cabrejas-Peñuelas 1

The present study analyzes the discursive strategies of manipulation in the political genre of a discourse in Parliament with an aim to convince the audience that the Prime Minister and his party are innocent of receiving illegal cash donations from a slush fund run in the party. For that purpose, we have used Van Dijk’s (2006) scheme of strategies of manipulation at several levels of discourse (content, lexis, topics, syntax, rhetoric, and order of discourse). Findings of the study show that the Prime Minister’s speech presents characteristics of ideological discourse, since it follows a general strategy of positive in-group and negative out-group presentation, which has an overall legitimating function. At other levels of discourse, the denial of controversial actions is made manipulative by following strategies of emphasis of our positive and their negative actions with the final aim of self-legitimating himself and his discourse. The discourse is further made manipulative by using appropriate contextual constraints and defensible semantics of representation.



本研究分析了议会话语政治风格中的话语操纵策略,目的是说服听众总理和他的政党无辜从该党的积资金中接收非法现金捐赠。为此,我们使用了范迪克(Van Dijk,2006)的几种话语处理策略方案(内容,词汇,主题,句法,修辞和话语顺序)。研究结果表明,总理的讲话具有意识形态话语的特征,因为它遵循积极的小组内和小组外演讲的总体策略,具有总体的合法功能。在其他方面,通过遵循强调积极和消极行为的策略,最终使自我和他的话语合法化,可以使对争议性行为的否定具有操纵性。通过使用适当的上下文约束和可辩护的表示语义,可以进一步操纵话语。