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A Weakly supervised word sense disambiguation for Polish using rich lexical resources
Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-26 , DOI: 10.1515/psicl-2019-0013
Arkadiusz Janz , Maciej Piasecki

Abstract Automatic word sense disambiguation (WSD) has proven to be an important technique in many natural language processing tasks. For many years the problem of sense disambiguation has been approached with a wide range of methods, however, it is still a challenging problem, especially in the unsupervised setting. One of the well-known and successful approaches to WSD are knowledge-based methods leveraging lexical knowledge resources such as wordnets. As the knowledge-based approaches mostly do not use any labelled training data their performance strongly relies on the structure and the quality of used knowledge sources. However, a pure knowledge-base such as a wordnet cannot reflect all the semantic knowledge necessary to correctly disambiguate word senses in text. In this paper we explore various expansions to plWordNet as knowledge-bases for WSD. Semantic links extracted from a large valency lexicon (Walenty), glosses and usage examples, Wikipedia articles and SUMO ontology are combined with plWordNet and tested in a PageRank-based WSD algorithm. In addition, we analyse also the influence of lexical semantics vector models extracted with the help of the distributional semantics methods. Several new Polish test data sets for WSD are also introduced. All the resources, methods and tools are available on open licences.


