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Sense of local identity, attitudes toward dialects and language teaching: The Hungarian minority in Serbia
Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-26 , DOI: 10.1515/psicl-2018-0004
Eleonora Kovacs Rac 1 , Sabina Halupka-Rešetar 1

Abstract A large body of academic literature (e.g. Fishman 1977, 1999; Giles and Johnson 1981; Romaine 2000, among others) claims that language is one of the most significant markers of ethnic identification and that it plays a crucial role not only in the external perception of an ethnic group by outsiders but also in the selfidentification of an ethnic group. In a minority environment, sense of ethnic identity and language retention are connected very tightly, which is why it is of extreme importance to study attitudes towards the dialects of a language and value judgments about them. The paper presents the results of a research into attitudes toward dialects, conducted with approximately three hundred 5th and 8th grade pupils (age 12 and 15, respectively) attending school in Hungarian in two regions of Vojvodina, Serbia. It explores the subjects’ local features of identity, given that the research was conducted in eight different localities. The results of the research serve as a sound basis for developing use-centered, functional-situational mother tongue education of Hungarian minority pupils living in Serbia, since the current curriculum completely disregards the language varieties of many Hungarian minority pupils brought up and living in rural areas, who acquire and use the dialect spoken in the family.



摘要大量的学术文献(例如Fishman 1977,1999; Giles and Johnson 1981; Romaine 2000等)声称语言是种族认同的最重要标志之一,它不仅在外在语言中起着至关重要的作用。局外人对民族的看法,也包括对民族的自我认同。在少数民族环境中,种族认同感和语言保留感紧密联系在一起,这就是为什么研究对一种语言方言的态度以及对它们的价值判断至关重要的原因。本文介绍了对方言态度的研究结果,该结果是在塞尔维亚伏伊伏丁那两个地区的大约300名5、8年级的学生(分别为12岁和15岁)在匈牙利上学时进行的。鉴于这项研究是在八个不同的地方进行的,因此它探索了受试者的局部身份特征。该研究的结果为发展生活在塞尔维亚的匈牙利少数民族学生以使用为中心,以功能为前提的母语教育奠定了良好的基础,因为当前的课程完全忽略了许多在农村长大和生活在农村的匈牙利少数民族学生的语言种类地区,他们获取和使用家庭中使用的方言。