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Communicating Tax Penalties to Delinquent Taxpayers: Evidence from a Field Experiment
National Tax Journal ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.17310/ntj.2020.2.02
Taylor Cranor , Jacob Goldin , Tatiana Homonoff , Lindsay Moore

We analyze a large eld experiment conducted with the Colorado Department of Revenue to study the presentation of nancial incentives and social norms in tax delinquency notices. We nd that notices that highlight and provide information about nancial penalties modestly raise the payment rate among delinquent taxpayers, with larger e ects for notices providing greater detail. In contrast, we nd no payment e ect from highlighting social norms for timely payment. Our results suggest that attention to seemingly minor decisions about the wording of notices sent by tax authorities can increase tax payments and reduce administrative costs associated with taxpayer delinquency.


