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Storying the heartbreak
Narrative Inquiry ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-10 , DOI: 10.1075/ni.18064.har
Nicole R. Harake 1 , William L. Dunlop 1

Abstract We examined narratives of romantic breakups (i.e., breakup accounts) in relation to romantic attachment tendencies. In Study 1, participants provided accounts of difficult breakups and indicated who in the relationship initiated its dissolution. In Study 2, participants provided breakup accounts from the perspective of the initiator and the non-initiator. Breakup accounts were coded for levels of exploration (active reflection of the narrated experience) and resolution (emotional closure and a sense of resiliency). Across studies, levels of resolution were highest in self-initiated, when compared to other-initiated, breakup accounts. In Study 2, avoidant attachment correlated negatively with levels of resolution in self-initiated, but not other-initiated, breakup accounts. These results suggest that avoidantly attached individuals narrate self-initiated breakups in a less thoroughly processed manner than their secure peers, and that these differences in transformational processing may carry implications for romantic domain functioning.



摘要 我们研究了与浪漫依恋倾向相关的浪漫分手(即分手账户)的叙述。在研究 1 中,参与者提供了分手困难的描述,并指出了关系中谁发起了分手。在研究 2 中,参与者从发起人和非发起人的角度提供分手账户。分手账户被编码为探索(叙述经历的积极反映)和解决(情绪封闭和弹性感)的水平。在所有研究中,与其他人发起的分手账户相比,自我发起的分手账户的解决水平最高。在研究 2 中,回避型依恋与自我发起而非他人发起的分手账户的解决水平呈负相关。