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“Brown eyes are not the same as blue eyes”
Narrative Inquiry ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-06 , DOI: 10.1075/ni.27.2.09pie
Anke Piekut 1

In Denmark, the Adult Education Centres have a “sweeper” function for young adults who need to recommence education. This study explores two L2 (Danish as Second Language) students and how their educational narratives confirm or counter the master narratives of adult education. Students at the centres are commonly identified as adults with social and personal challenges, but their educational narratives and experiences are far more complex. As the edifying institutional narratives of the Adult Centres encompass both professionalism and care, the vernacular narratives characterise the centres as hang-outs for problematic adults without the ability to make a persistent effort in their own life. Students at the centres have to navigate and position themselves in relation to these conflicting stories by giving voice to educational struggles, social relations and agency in their own educational narratives.



在丹麦,成人教育中心为需要重新开始教育的年轻人提供“清扫”功能。本研究探讨了两名 L2(丹麦语为第二语言)学生以及他们的教育叙事如何确认或反驳成人教育的主要叙事。这些中心的学生通常被认为是有社交和个人挑战的成年人,但他们的教育叙述和经历要复杂得多。由于成人中心的教育机构叙述包括专业精神和关怀,白话叙述将中心描述为有问题的成年人的聚会场所,而没有能力在自己的生活中坚持不懈地努力。中心的学生必须通过表达教育斗争的声音,在这些相互矛盾的故事中导航和定位自己,