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NBER Macroeconomics Annual ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1086/707170
Janice Eberly

The paper byCovarrubias, Gutiérrez, and Philippon providesmany useful insights into the rapidly emerging literature on rising concentration in US industries. Importantly, it catalogs some important empirical shortcomings in the literature. It also provides clarity on conceptual issues that have created confusion. The paper goes on to make two types of original empirical contributions. In the first, it focuses on two categories of explanations for rising concentration: “good” and “bad.” The former is associated with technological change that increases the elasticity of substitution among goods (j, and hence greater competition) or increases firms’ accumulation of intangible capital (g, perhaps associated with network externalities and returns to scale). Bad concentration is instead associated with rising barriers to entry, k. The authors argue that the data tend to favor good concentration earlier in their data sample—through 2000. Thereafter, there is increasing evidence of barriers to competition. The collection of evidence, while not dispositive, moves the weight of the evidence toward market power explanations, especially later in the sample. The last part of the paper takes a different tack. Instead of looking for indicators ofmarket power to explain a broad range of facts, the paper looks at combinations of explanations by industry and argues that there is merit in several of them and that the results vary by industry. I will argue that these last insights are especially helpful, as the macroeconomic data are unlikely to be captured by a single simple narrative.



Covarrubias、Gutiérrez 和 Philippon 的论文为迅速涌现的有关美国工业集中度上升的文献提供了许多有用的见解。重要的是,它列出了文献中一些重要的经验缺陷。它还澄清了造成混淆的概念问题。该论文继续做出两种类型的原始经验贡献。首先,它侧重于对集中度上升的两类解释:“好”和“坏”。前者与增加商品之间替代弹性的技术变革有关(j,因此更大的竞争)或增加企业的无形资本积累(g,可能与网络外部性和规模回报有关)。相反,注意力不集中与进入壁垒增加有关,k。作者认为,在他们的数据样本中,数据倾向于更早地集中注意力——直到 2000 年。此后,越来越多的证据表明存在竞争障碍。证据的收集虽然不是决定性的,但将证据的权重转移到市场力量的解释上,尤其是在样本的后面。论文的最后一部分采取了不同的策略。这篇论文没有寻找市场力量指标来解释广泛的事实,而是着眼于不同行业的解释组合,并认为其中几种解释都有其优点,而且结果因行业而异。我会争辩说,这些最后的见解特别有用,因为宏观经济数据不太可能通过一个简单的叙述来捕捉。越来越多的证据表明存在竞争障碍。证据的收集虽然不是决定性的,但将证据的权重转移到市场力量的解释上,尤其是在样本的后面。论文的最后一部分采取了不同的策略。这篇论文没有寻找市场力量指标来解释广泛的事实,而是着眼于不同行业的解释组合,并认为其中几种解释都有其优点,而且结果因行业而异。我会争辩说,这些最后的见解特别有用,因为宏观经济数据不太可能通过一个简单的叙述来捕捉。越来越多的证据表明存在竞争障碍。证据的收集虽然不是决定性的,但将证据的权重转移到市场力量的解释上,尤其是在样本的后面。论文的最后一部分采取了不同的策略。这篇论文没有寻找市场力量指标来解释广泛的事实,而是着眼于不同行业的解释组合,并认为其中几种解释都有其优点,而且结果因行业而异。我会争辩说,这些最后的见解特别有用,因为宏观经济数据不太可能通过一个简单的叙述来捕捉。论文的最后一部分采取了不同的策略。这篇论文没有寻找市场力量指标来解释广泛的事实,而是着眼于不同行业的解释组合,并认为其中几种解释都有其优点,而且结果因行业而异。我会争辩说,这些最后的见解特别有用,因为宏观经济数据不太可能通过一个简单的叙述来捕捉。论文的最后一部分采取了不同的策略。这篇论文没有寻找市场力量指标来解释广泛的事实,而是着眼于不同行业的解释组合,并认为其中几种解释都有其优点,而且结果因行业而异。我会争辩说,这些最后的见解特别有用,因为宏观经济数据不太可能通过一个简单的叙述来捕捉。