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Intimate identities and language revitalization in Veneto, Northern Italy
Multilingua ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-26 , DOI: 10.1515/multi-2017-0128
Sabina Perrino 1

Abstract In this article, I explore how language revitalization initiatives are rescaled as part of a local, historical and sociocultural revitalization project in which ethnonationalist aspirations emerge in Northeastern Italy’s Veneto region. Through an analysis of political emblems, textual artifacts, and speech participants’ stories, I examine how the promotion of the local language is related to a developing sense of collective and intimate identity, especially vis-à-vis the many migrants and refugees that have landed in Italy, and Europe, in recent years. In the last decade, these new flows of migrants have triggered strong reactions by Italians, such as recent discourses about national identity and the aggressive anti-immigration politics promoted by the Lega Nord (‘Northern League’). I show how politics, history, and language become part of a complex spatiotemporal configuration in which chronotopic stances and intimate identities are enacted in speech participants’ everyday lives.



摘要在本文中,我探讨了如何在本地,历史和社会文化振兴项目中调整语言振兴计划的规模,在该项目中,意大利东北部威尼托地区出现了民族主义的抱负。通过对政治标志,文字制品和演讲嘉宾的故事的分析,我研究了当地语言的推广与不断发展的集体和亲密身份感之间的关系,特别是针对许多移民和难民。近年来降落在意大利和欧洲。在过去的十年中,这些新移民的涌动引起了意大利人的强烈反响,例如最近有关民族认同的论述以及由Lega Nord(“北方联盟”)推动的积极的反移民政治。我展示了政治,历史,