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Extent and limits of linguistic diversity as the remit of typology – but through constraints on what is diversity limited?
Linguistic Typology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-20 , DOI: 10.1515/lingty-2017-1004
Frans Plank

1.1. The first true linguistic typologist – recognisable as a predecessor by the likes of ourselves, now publishing in journals like Linguistic Typology – was Giovanni Domenico Campanella (1568–1639). A Dominican friar from Calabria (Fra Tommaso by monastic name) who was to rise to lasting fame as a utopian social thinker with his La città del sole, Campanella was a philosopher in the wide and colourful Renaissance sense. As was the standard repertoire, his Philosophia realis (1623) covered Physiologia, Ethica, Politica, and Oeconomica, and his Philosophia rationalis (1638) continued with Dialectica, Grammatica, Rhetorica, Poetica, and Historiographia; but, with labour not yet divided between scholar and wizard, Campanella also distinguished himself as a seeker of arcaner truths. However far he may have strayed from his early rationalism, the grammar part of his Philosophia rationalis did show Campanella (now in exile in Paris, after almost thirty years in prison for religious and political reasons) the sober champion of sense experience that he had been since his very first, antiAristotelian beginnings: he was able, or indeed bound, to advance linguistic theory because he let himself be guided by observation rather than doctrine. This was in stark contrast to current practice in the ever popular genre of Universal Grammar (UG), where conventional accounts of Latin and Greek, and whatever could be accommodated (however awkwardly) of the Romance or Germanic mother tongues of the respective Universal Grammarians, were felt to be all it needed to keep speculation going, if mostly in circles. Campanella was aware of what was then known about these particular languages: the contemporary Romance vernaculars (Italian, French, and Spanish, the latter the language of Southern Italy’s rulers), Latin, Ancient Greek, Biblical Hebrew (and Chaldean), (Classical) Arabic, Turkish, and Chinese and Viet-



1.1。乔凡尼·多梅尼科·坎帕内拉(Giovanni Domenico Campanella,1568年至1639年)是第一位真正的语言类型学家,被我们自己视为先人,现在被诸如语言类型学等杂志出版。坎帕内拉是卡拉布里亚的多米尼加男修道士(以修道院的名字命名为托玛索神父),他凭借自己的Lacittàdel sole成为乌托邦社会思想家而声名远播,他是文艺复兴时期丰富多彩的哲学家。与标准曲目一样,他的《哲学概论》(1623)涵盖了生理学,伦理学,政治学和经济概论,而他的《哲学概论》(1638年)则继续涉及方言学,语法学,修辞学,诗论和历史学。但是,由于学者和巫师之间还没有分工,坎帕内拉也因此成为了寻求奥秘真理的人。他可能偏离了早期的理性主义,他的《哲学哲学》的语法部分确实向坎帕内拉展示了他从第一次反亚里士多德时代起就一直是感官经验的清醒拥护者(由于宗教和政治原因,他已经流亡巴黎,现在已经流亡了三十年): ,或者说的确是语言理论的发展,因为他让自己受观察而不是教义的指导。与目前普遍使用的通用语法(UG)类型形成鲜明对比的是,在通用语法中,拉丁文和希腊文的传统记述以及各种通用语法学家的拉丁或日耳曼语的用法(无论如何都难以适应),被认为是保持投机活动所需要的一切,即使大多数情况下都是在圈子里。坎帕内拉(Campanella)知道当时对这些特定语言的了解: