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Gender and Volunteering at the Special Olympics: Interrelationships Among Motivations, Commitment, and Social Capital
Journal of Sport Management ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1123/jsm.2019-0034
Kirstin Hallmann 1 , Anita Zehrer 2 , Sheranne Fairley 3 , Lea Rossi 1

This research uses social role theory to investigate gender differences in volunteers at the Special Olympics and interrelationships among motivations, commitment, and social capital. Volunteers at the 2014 National Summer Special Olympics in Germany were surveyed (n = 891). Multigroup structural equation modeling has revealed gender differences among motivations, commitment, and social capital. Volunteers primarily volunteered for personal growth. Further, motivations had a significant association with commitment and social capital. The impact of motivation on social capital was significantly mediated by commitment. Event organizers should market opportunities to volunteer by emphasizing opportunities for personal growth and appealing to specific values



这项研究使用社会角色理论调查特奥会志愿者中的性别差异,以及动机,承诺和社会资本之间的相互关系。对2014年德国国家夏季特殊奥运会的志愿者进行了调查(n = 891)。多组结构方程模型揭示了动机,承诺和社会资本之间的性别差异。志愿者主要自愿为个人成长。此外,动机与承诺和社会资本有着显着的联系。动机对社会资本的影响主要由承诺来调节。活动组织者应通过强调个人​​成长的机会并呼吁特定的价值观来推广志愿服务的机会