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The unborn child: history, philosophy and religion
Journal of Legal Studies ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-01 , DOI: 10.1515/jles-2017-0018
Maria Casandra Lucan 1

Abstract All throughout history the unborn, and implicitly its protection, have been subject for academics and practitioners of various areas. The problem of the origin of the soul and the exact determination of the moment when it is united with the body was crucial in enabling us to define the exact moment when the human life begins, and, consequently, for providing proper protection for the unborn child. In this context visions of the Greek philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas, and of the Latin writer Tertullian, as well as Christian perspectives were analysed in order to identify the starting point of the human being to help determine the level of protection provided for the unborn in history. Finally, considering the fact that not even today has consensus been achieved concerning the beginning of human life, it was and still is difficult to provide proper legal protection for the unborn child, but in our opinion this is by far not impossible.



摘要在整个历史上,未出生的婴儿及其隐含的保护一直是各个领域的学者和实践者的研究课题。灵魂起源的问题以及对灵魂与身体结合的确切时间的决定,对于使我们能够定义人类生命开始的确切时间,从而为胎儿提供适当的保护至关重要。 。在这种情况下,分析了柏拉图,亚里士多德,阿尔伯特斯·马格努斯和托马斯·阿奎那斯等希腊哲学家的视野以及拉丁作家特尔图里亚人的视野,并分析了基督教的观点,以确定人类的起点,以帮助确定人类的水平。历史上为未出生者提供的保护。最后,考虑到关于人类生活的开始直到今天还没有达成共识的事实,