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Paramilitarism and music in Colombia
Journal of Language and Politics ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-28 , DOI: 10.1075/jlp.19019.bar
Eduar Barbosa Caro 1 , Johanna Ramírez Suavita 2

Colombia has experienced violence at the hands of both guerrillas and paramilitaries fighting to control territories, drug trafficking, and gain political influence. Though in recent years armed activities by both groups has subsided, their conflicting ideologies are visible in several contexts in today’s polarized Colombia. We tend to think about conflict in terms of bullets and people in military uniforms, but discourses of conflict are also evident in popular culture, such as music. In this paper, we analyse 19 corridos paracos, videos produced by sympathisers of Right-wing guerrilla groups, to demonstrate how this is done. Here, we find songs present a messianic portrayal of the paramilitary along with sexist ideas as the representation of manliness. Moreover, there is an almost total absence of peaceful actions in the lyrics, and an exaltation of brutality and terrorism. In a political context which cries out for reconciliation, these do little to this end.



哥伦比亚经历了游击队和准军事组织为控制领土、贩毒和获得政治影响而战斗的暴力。尽管近年来这两个团体的武装活动有所减弱,但在当今两极分化的哥伦比亚的多种情况下,他们相互冲突的意识形态仍然可见。我们倾向于从子弹和穿着军装的人的角度来考虑冲突,但冲突的话语在流行文化中也很明显,比如音乐。在本文中,我们分析了 19 个 corridos paracos,即由右翼游击队的同情者制作的视频,以演示如何做到这一点。在这里,我们发现歌曲呈现了对准军事人员的救世主形象以及作为男子气概的代表的性别歧视观念。此外,歌词中几乎完全没有和平行动,以及对暴行和恐怖主义的宣扬。在迫切需要和解的政治背景下,这些措施对实现这一目标的作用微乎其微。