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Populism in performance?
Journal of Language and Politics ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-25 , DOI: 10.1075/jlp.20019.mon
Martin Montgomery 1, 2

Abstract Much commentary on the discourse of Donald Trump’s populist appeal has tended to focus on his use of Twitter, to the relative neglect of his campaign rallies. Yet his campaign rallies during the presidential election were arguably crucial for delivering the votes which secured his victory. Members of his own team, and Trump himself, certainly thought so. Since the election Trump has continued to campaign in rallies in key states with increasing vigour, attracting large audiences as the second term elections in 2020 approach. These large-scale public events confirm the bond between Trump and his base. But they also require us to re-focus attention beyond Trump as an individual figure to the process of mutual engagement between him and his highly active and vocal audience. This article, by examining the overall communicative behaviour of participants at his rallies asks: “Is the audience Trump’s creation or is Trump the audience’s creation?”



摘要 关于唐纳德特朗普的民粹主义诉求的许多评论往往集中在他对推特的使用上,而相对忽视了他的竞选集会。然而,他在总统大选期间的竞选集会可以说对于提供确保他获胜的选票至关重要。他自己团队的成员,以及特朗普本人,当然都这么认为。自选举以来,特朗普继续在主要州的集会上以越来越大的活力进行竞选,随着 2020 年第二届选举的临近,吸引了大量观众。这些大规模的公共活动证实了特朗普与其基地之间的联系。但它们也要求我们将注意力从特朗普作为个人人物重新转移到他与他高度活跃和发声的听众之间相互接触的过程中。本文,