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Can Public Rankings Improve School Performance?
Journal of Human Resources ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-25 , DOI: 10.3368/jhr.56.3.0119-9969r1
Jacobus Cilliers , Isaac M. Mbiti , Andrew Zeitlin

In 2013, Tanzania introduced "Big Results Now in Education", a low-stakes accountability program that published both nationwide and within-district school rankings. Using data from the universe of school performance from 2011-2016, we identify the impacts of the reform using a difference-in-differences estimator that exploits the differential pressure exerted on schools at the top and bottom of their respective district rankings. We find that BRN improved learning outcomes for schools in the bottom two deciles of their districts. However, the program also led schools to strategically exclude students from the terminal year of primary school.



2013 年,坦桑尼亚推出了“现在教育取得重大成果”,这是一个低风险的问责计划,同时发布了全国和地区内的学校排名。使用来自 2011-2016 年学校表现整体的数据,我们使用差异中的差异估计器确定改革的影响,该差异估计器利用对各自地区排名顶部和底部的学校施加的不同压力。我们发现 BRN 改善了其学区后 20% 的学校的学习成果。然而,该计划也导致学校战略性地将学生排除在小学的最后一年。