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Brothers in Arms: Spillovers from a Draft Lottery
Journal of Human Resources ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-06 , DOI: 10.3368/jhr.56.1.0317-8646r3
Paul Bingley , Petter Lundborg , Stéphanie Vincent Lyk-Jensen

While family members tend to have similar labor market outcomes, measuring the contribution of behavioral spillovers is difficult. To identify spillovers between brothers, we exploit Denmark’s largest random assignment of young men—to eight months of military service, where service status of brothers is correlated, but draft lottery numbers are not. We find average spillovers of elder brother service on younger brother service of 7 percent, and as high as 55 percent for closely spaced brothers without sisters. Elder brother’s military service affects his own occupational choice and his younger brother’s service by discouraging any refusal to serve.



虽然家庭成员往往有相似的劳动力市场结果,但很难衡量行为溢出的贡献。为了确定兄弟之间的溢出效应,我们利用丹麦最大的年轻人随机分配 - 八个月的兵役,其中兄弟的服役状态是相关的,但选秀抽签号码不是。我们发现哥哥服务对弟弟服务的平均溢出率为 7%,而对于没有姐妹的相距很近的兄弟,则高达 55%。哥哥的兵役通过劝阻任何拒绝服役而影响他自己的职业选择和他的弟弟的服役。