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The impact of promoting intergenerational synergy on the work engagement of older employees in Slovenia
Journal of East European Management Studies ( IF 0.945 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.5771/0949-6181-2020-1-9
Maja Rožman , Sonja Treven , Vesna Čančer

Generational differences present a new aspect of diversity among employees in the workplace. The increasing number of older employees and negative attitudes of younger employees toward them create the need for better understanding between generations and the need to improve mutual cooperation among age-diverse employees in an organisation. The main objective of the paper is to determine the impact of intergenerational synergy on the work engagement of older employees in Slovenia. For this purpose, empirical research was conducted in medium-sized and large companies among employers and older employees in Slovenia. Factor analysis was used to replace a large number of statements with a smaller number of factors - new variables with which we performed a simple linear regression. Based on the results, we confirmed the hypothesis that promoting intergenerational synergy in companies has a statistically significant positive impact on the work engagement of older employees in Slovenia. In this context, companies should take the following measures: eliminate discrimination of older employees, promote intergenerational synergy, and promote intergenerational understanding between young and older employees.


