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Learning to be Latino: How Colleges Shape Identity Politics by Daisy Verduzco Reyes
Journal of College Student Development ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/csd.2019.0045
Courtney L. Luedke , Gresham D. Collom

inclusion of ecological models, was at the time a fresh way to approach studies of college student experiences and identities. As I stated at the outset, I occupy a space in higher education that Rob Rhoads created in part through the study reported in Coming Out in College: The Struggle for a Queer Identity. Although I did not know him well, I owe much to him. I recommend this book as an example of a high-quality ethnography of higher education and an ambitious doctoral dissertation, a foundational exploration of queer identities and experiences, and a window into an LGBTQ past that feels simultaneously eons ago and moments ago.


学习成为拉丁裔:大学如何塑造身份政治 作者 Daisy Verduzco Reyes

纳入生态模型,在当时是研究大学生经历和身份的一种新方法。正如我一开始所说的那样,我在高等教育中占有一席之地,这是 Rob Rhoads 创造的,部分是通过在大学出柜:为酷儿身份而奋斗的研究报告的。虽然我不认识他,但我欠他很多。我推荐这本书作为高质量的高等教育民族志和雄心勃勃的博士论文的例子,对酷儿身份和经历的基础探索,以及一扇了解亿万年前和片刻之前的 LGBTQ 过去的窗口。