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Journal of Baltic Science Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-03 , DOI: 10.33225/jbse/19.18.537
Hidayah Mohd Fadzil 1 , Rohaida Mohd Saat 1 , Khalijah Awang 1 , Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli 1

In this digital revolution where science and technology play a fundamental role in our lives, STEM education is facing a great challenge. The ability to address 21st-century challenges such as climate change, poverty and food security will depend on how well-educated the population in STEM is. However, in most countries, there has been a decrease in the number of students pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) related fields in secondary school and tertiary education level (Alan, Zengin, & Kececi, 2019; Ergün, 2019; Halim & Meerah, 2016; Jaremus, Gore, Fray, & Prieto-Rodriguez, 2019). Recent studies have shown that engagement with school science and motivation to choose science related career among secondary school students are alarming, as students reject science related career as a future career option (Kudenko & Gras-Velázquez, 2016; Shao-Na Zhou et al., 2019; Van Griethuijsen et al., 2015). Many students in secondary school and post-secondary were switching from STEM majors to other fields (Shao-Na Zhou et al., 2019). According to Gilbert and Justi (2016) evidence of students’ lack of engagement in science classes is used to support widespread dissatisfaction regarding students’ levels of attainment in international studies such as TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) and PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment). In addition, Carnevale, Smith and Melton (2011) found that only half of those students who originally studied STEM majors actually completed STEM degrees. This has led to concern among policymakers about their nation’s science and technology workforce, as well as the scientific literacy of their populations (Van Griethuijsen et al., 2015). For example, in the case of Malaysia, the decrease in the number of students in the science stream is alarming and this may lead to a serious human capital shortage in the STEM field if the number of students who enrol in STEM courses does not meet its expected standards, which is at 270,000 per year or 60% of the annual national cohort (Academy of Sciences, 2017). To address this declining enrolment, science education needs to be more relevant in order to ensure that students have positive attitudes and interest towards STEM-related subjects. Hidayah Mohd Fadzil, Rohaida Mohd Saat, Khalijah Awang, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli University of Malaya, Malaysia Abstract. Science education is facing an immense challenge due to students’ lack of engagement with science education. This issue calls for a collaborative and integrative teaching strategy such as the Scientist-Teacher-Student Partnership (STSP). This research employed a qualitative research methodology supported by quantitative data, to explore students’ perceptions of learning science through STSP. It involved 125 students in Grade 10 from four schools, eight science teachers and seven scientists from a university situated in Kuala Lumpur. The data were collected through survey questionnaire and interviews. The collected qualitative data were analysed using constant comparative techniques and the quantitative data arising from the responses of the survey were calculated as mean scores and standard deviations. The findings showed that the tripartite collaboration brings educational benefits to all groups. Based on the student’ perspective, four (4) main themes emerged. The students found that 1) the partnership enriched their learning experiences, 2) they acquired procedural skills through hands-on experiments, 3) they had the opportunity to explore emerging topics in science, and 4) they were exposed to various career opportunities in STEM-related fields. This research has promoted greater articulation of STSP as a mechanism for educational reform in STEM.


学生对通过科学家-教师-学生伙伴关系 (STSP) 学习 STEM 相关学科的看法

在这场科技在我们生活中扮演重要角色的数字革命中,STEM教育面临着巨大的挑战。应对气候变化、贫困和粮食安全等 21 世纪挑战的能力将取决于 STEM 人口的受教育程度。但是,在大多数国家/地区,在中学和高等教育阶段攻读科学、技术、工程和数学 (STEM) 相关领域的学生人数有所减少(Alan、Zengin 和 Kececi,2019 年;Ergün,2019 年; Halim 和 Meerah,2016 年;Jaremus、Gore、Fray 和 Prieto-Rodriguez,2019 年)。最近的研究表明,中学生对学校科学的参与和选择与科学相关的职业的动机令人震惊,因为学生拒绝将与科学相关的职业作为未来的职业选择(Kudenko 和 Gras-Velázquez,2016 年;Shao-Na Zhou 等人,2019 年;Van Griethuijsen 等人,2015 年)。许多中学和大专学生正在从 STEM 专业转向其他领域(Shao-Na Zhou et al., 2019)。根据 Gilbert 和 Justi(2016 年)的说法,学生在科学课程中缺乏参与的证据被用来支持对学生在国际研究(例如 TIMSS(国际数学和科学研究趋势)和 PISA(计划)中的成就水平)的普遍不满。国际学生评估)。此外,Carnevale、Smith 和 Melton(2011)发现,最初学习 STEM 专业的学生中只有一半实际上完成了 STEM 学位。这导致政策制定者担心本国的科技劳动力以及民众的科学素养(Van Griethuijsen 等,2015)。以马来西亚为例,理科学生人数的减少令人震惊,如果报读 STEM 课程的学生人数达不到其要求,这可能导致 STEM 领域的人力资源严重短缺。预期标准,即每年 270,000 人或年度全国队列的 60%(科学院,2017 年)。为了解决入学率下降的问题,科学教育需要更加相关,以确保学生对 STEM 相关学科有积极的态度和兴趣。Hidayah Mohd Fadzil、Rohaida Mohd Saat、Khalijah Awang、Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli 马来亚大学、马来西亚摘要。由于学生缺乏对科学教育的参与,科学教育面临着巨大的挑战。这个问题需要一种协作和整合的教学策略,例如科学家-教师-学生伙伴关系 (STSP)。本研究采用定量数据支持的定性研究方法,通过STSP探索学生对学习科学的看法。它涉及来自四所学校的 125 名 10 年级学生、八名科学教师和来自吉隆坡一所大学的七名科学家。数据通过调查问卷和访谈收集。使用恒定的比较技术分析收集到的定性数据,并将调查响应产生的定量数据计算为平均分数和标准偏差。研究结果表明,三方合作为所有群体带来了教育收益。根据学生的观点,出现了四 (4) 个主要主题。学生们发现 1) 伙伴关系丰富了他们的学习经历,2) 他们通过动手实验获得了程序技能,3) 他们有机会探索科学中的新兴主题,以及 4) 他们接触了 STEM 的各种职业机会-相关领域。这项研究促进了 STSP 作为 STEM 教育改革机制的更多阐述。3) 他们有机会探索科学领域的新兴话题,以及 4) 他们接触到 STEM 相关领域的各种职业机会。这项研究促进了 STSP 作为 STEM 教育改革机制的更多阐述。3) 他们有机会探索科学领域的新兴话题,以及 4) 他们接触到 STEM 相关领域的各种职业机会。这项研究促进了 STSP 作为 STEM 教育改革机制的更多阐述。