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Journal of Baltic Science Education ( IF 1.232 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-20 , DOI: 10.33225/jbse/18.17.564
Ahmad Yani 1 , Asep Mulyadi 1 , Mamat Ruhimat 1

As written on the title of the article, contextual means putting things in context. Literally, the word “context” means circumstances in which an event occurs, while contextual is defined as according to the context (Hornby, 1979, p. 130). Rachman analogized the contextual meaning of a yarn in a piece of cloth (Rachman, 1999, p. 122). Meanwhile, the researchers argue that the analogy of contextual meanings such as a slice of beef that will change the name according to how processed cuisine that can be a steak, beef lasagna, smoke beef, and others. Thus, contextualization of spatial intelligence is an effort to implement the real form of spatial intelligence in the spatial capabilities form and geography skills in the real life every day. Although many people assume that spatial intelligence can also be manifested in the form of geometry and engineering drawings. To understand the meaning of spatial intelligence contextualization, below is shown an example, there is a picture of a child tying his shoelaces. If you have contextual spatial intelligence, then you can surely estimate that the child cannot run while tying his shoelaces. Another example, it was reported that there had been a landslide on a flat land. Surely, the news is confusing and illogical because landslides will not occur in flat areas but will only occur in mountainous areas and hills. Contextualization of spatial intelligence can be used to improve geography skills. The National Geographic Society defines geography skills as the tools and techniques necessary to think geographically. Geography skills make it easy to understand physical patterns and processes, social life, and be useful in making decisions such as to buy or rent a home, find a job, determine the fastest route of travel, find a place to shop, vacation, and or go to school. All of these decisions involve the ability to acquire, organize, and use geographic information from data and facts in the form of drawing of symbols, charts, diagrams, and maps (http://www.nationalgeographic. org/geographic-skills/). Abstract. This research attempted to find whether spatial intelligence (without context) has a correlation to (contextual) spatial ability and affects geographic skills as crystallized ability (Gc). It employed the descriptive method with subjects including students at the primary, junior high, and senior high schools. The data were collected through two instruments, namely test and questionnaire. Data of test results were processed by tabulation technique and correlated for the scores of spatial intelligence, spatial ability, and geographic skills. The results show that spatial intelligence (Gf) tended to increase from the level of primary to junior high and to senior high school level, whereas spatial ability (Gc) and geographic skills (Geo-s) tended to decrease. Despite the decline, all three (Gf, Gc, and Geo-s) had the potentials for improvement. Thus, geography teachers are encouraged to participate in improving students’ spatial and geographic skills, so students can develop their potentials optimally for geographic skills and future career development.



正如文章标题所写,上下文意味着将事物置于上下文中。从字面上看,“上下文”一词是指事件发生的环境,而上下文是根据上下文定义的(Hornby,1979,第 130 页)。Rachman 类比了一块布中纱线的上下文含义(Rachman,1999,第 122 页)。同时,研究人员认为,上下文含义的类比,例如一片牛肉,将根据牛排、牛肉千层面、烟熏牛肉等加工菜肴的方式改变名称。因此,空间智能的语境化是一种将空间智能在现实生活中的空间能力形式和地理技能的真实形式付诸实践的努力。尽管很多人认为空间智能也可以通过几何图形和工程图的形式表现出来。为了理解空间智能语境化的含义,下面展示了一个例子,有一张孩子系鞋带的图片。如果你有上下文空间智能,那么你肯定可以估计孩子在系鞋带时不能跑。另一个例子是,据报道在平坦的土地上发生了山体滑坡。当然,这个消息令人困惑和不合逻辑,因为山体滑坡不会发生在平坦地区,而只会发生在山区和丘陵地区。空间智能的情境化可用于提高地理技能。国家地理学会将地理技能定义为进行地理思考所必需的工具和技术。地理技能可以轻松了解物理模式和过程、社交生活,并有助于做出诸如购买或租赁房屋、找工作、确定最快的旅行路线、寻找购物、度假和或去上学。所有这些决定都涉及以绘制符号、图表、图表和地图的形式从数据和事实中获取、组织和使用地理信息的能力(http://www.nationalgeographic.org/geographic-skills/) . 抽象的。本研究试图找出空间智力(无上下文)是否与(上下文)空间能力相关并影响地理技能作为结晶能力 (Gc)。它采用描述性方法,对象包括小学、初中和高中的学生。数据通过两种工具收集,即测试和问卷。测试结果数据采用制表技术处理,并与空间智力、空间能力和地理技能的分数相关联。结果表明,空间智力(Gf)从小学水平到初中和高中水平呈上升趋势,而空间能力(Gc)和地理技能(Geo-s)呈下降趋势。尽管有所下降,但所有三个(Gf、Gc 和 Geo-s)都有改进的潜力。因此,鼓励地理教师参与提高学生的空间和地理技能,使学生能够在地理技能和未来职业发展方面发挥最佳潜力。测试结果数据采用制表技术处理,并与空间智力、空间能力和地理技能的分数相关联。结果表明,空间智力(Gf)从小学水平到初中和高中水平呈上升趋势,而空间能力(Gc)和地理技能(Geo-s)呈下降趋势。尽管有所下降,但所有三个(Gf、Gc 和 Geo-s)都有改进的潜力。因此,鼓励地理教师参与提高学生的空间和地理技能,从而使学生能够在地理技能和未来职业发展方面发挥最佳潜力。测试结果数据采用制表技术处理,并与空间智力、空间能力和地理技能的分数相关联。结果表明,空间智力(Gf)从小学水平到初中和高中水平呈上升趋势,而空间能力(Gc)和地理技能(Geo-s)呈下降趋势。尽管有所下降,但所有三个(Gf、Gc 和 Geo-s)都有改进的潜力。因此,鼓励地理教师参与提高学生的空间和地理技能,使学生能够在地理技能和未来职业发展方面发挥最佳潜力。结果表明,空间智力(Gf)从小学水平到初中和高中水平呈上升趋势,而空间能力(Gc)和地理技能(Geo-s)呈下降趋势。尽管有所下降,但所有三个(Gf、Gc 和 Geo-s)都有改进的潜力。因此,鼓励地理教师参与提高学生的空间和地理技能,使学生能够在地理技能和未来职业发展方面发挥最佳潜力。结果表明,空间智力(Gf)从小学水平到初中和高中水平呈上升趋势,而空间能力(Gc)和地理技能(Geo-s)呈下降趋势。尽管有所下降,但所有三个(Gf、Gc 和 Geo-s)都有改进的潜力。因此,鼓励地理教师参与提高学生的空间和地理技能,使学生能够在地理技能和未来职业发展方面发挥最佳潜力。