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Applying the interlanguage approach to language teaching
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-27 , DOI: 10.1515/iral-2017-0145
Gabriele Pallotti

Abstract The term interlanguage can be used to refer both to the object of investigation, i. e. learners’ L2 competences as instantiated in their linguistic productions, or to an approach to investigating such competences and describing such productions. In this second sense, it has major implications for both research and teaching, as it involves treating learners’ utterances as being based on separate linguistic systems, which need to be described in their own right, with no reference to other languages, including the L2. The didactic consequences of the interlanguage approach include, among other things, a different attitude towards errors, greater learners’ autonomy and a focus on linguistic experimentation and hypotheses-testing. The article reports on a project that applied these principles in some Italian primary schools. Pupils worked in groups to produce long, complex and well-organized written texts retelling a silent movie. Data collected at the beginning and end of the school year reveal that these experimental classes outperformed control classes on a number of dimensions, including group cohesion and motivation, text quality assessed with rating scales, and objective measures like text length, number of idea units, use of punctuation and cohesive devices. It is argued that interlanguage analysis and the interlanguage approach should become an integral part of teacher training in all areas of language education.



摘要 中介语这个术语可以用来指代调查的对象,即。e. 学习者的 L2 能力在他们的语言产品中实例化,或研究此类能力和描述此类产品的方法。在第二种意义上,它对研究和教学都具有重大意义,因为它涉及将学习者的话语视为基于单独的语言系统,需要根据他们自己的权利进行描述,而不参考其他语言,包括 L2 . 中介语方法的教学结果包括对错误的不同态度、更大的学习者自主权以及对语言实验和假设检验的关注。文章报道了在一些意大利小学应用这些原则的项目。学生们分组合作,制作长篇、复杂且组织良好的书面文本,复述一部无声电影。在学年开始和结束时收集的数据表明,这些实验班在许多方面都优于对照班,包括小组凝聚力和动机、用评分量表评估的文本质量以及诸如文本长度、想法单元数量、标点符号和连贯装置的使用。有人认为,中介语分析和中介语方法应该成为语言教育所有领域教师培训的一个组成部分。包括团队凝聚力和动机、用评分量表评估的文本质量,以及诸如文本长度、想法单元的数量、标点符号的使用和连贯装置等客观衡量标准。有人认为,中介语分析和中介语方法应该成为语言教育所有领域教师培训的一个组成部分。包括团队凝聚力和动机、用评分量表评估的文本质量,以及诸如文本长度、想法单元的数量、标点符号的使用和连贯装置等客观衡量标准。有人认为,中介语分析和中介语方法应该成为语言教育所有领域教师培训的一个组成部分。