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Sustainability survey to assess student perspectives
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-16 , DOI: 10.1108/ijshe-06-2019-0197
James Hardy Speer , Virgil Sheets , Tina M. Kruger , Stephen Peter Aldrich , Nicholas McCreary

The purpose of this study is to assess environmental concern at a Midwest university, analyze trends in concern over time and determine the effect of the development of a campus sustainability office.,A multi-question survey was administered through peer-to-peer recruitment from an undergraduate environmental science class each fall from 2010–2017. This exercise was originally developed as a pedagogical exercise on the scientific method.,Over eight years, incoming freshmen have expressed more concern that humans are harming the environment and students also express greater concern as they progress through college.,The first year of the survey (2010) and the year that the lead PI was on sabbatical (2014) saw reduced response rates (∼1%–3% of the student population) compared to 6%–9% of the student population in other years.,Responses to all of the questions in the survey provide guidance for university administrations and sustainability offices about the concerns of the campus community, awareness about campus efforts and support for sustainability activities on campus.,Few studies have been published on students’ perspectives on environmental concern and sustainability activities on university campuses. These data provide an overview of environmental concern, perceived government action and empowerment to action over an eight-year period. This approach is recommended as a technique to teach the scientific method in introductory classes and as a means to collect data about student perspectives on sustainability.



这项研究的目的是评估中西部大学对环境的关注,分析关注趋势随着时间的推移,并确定校园可持续发展办公室的发展效果。通过从P2P招聘P2P进行了多问题调查从2010年至2017年每个秋季开设一次环境科学本科课程。该练习最初是作为一种科学方法的教学练习而开发的。在过去的八年中,新生们对人们正在危害环境造成了更多的关注,而随着大学的发展,学生们也表达了更多的关注。 (2010)和主要PI放假的那一年(2014)的回应率降低了(约占学生人数的1%–3%),而其他年份则为6%–9%。对调查中所有问题的回答为大学行政管理和可持续发展办公室提供了有关校园社区关注,对校园工作的意识以及对校园可持续发展活动的支持的指南。关于学生对环境关注的观点的研究很少发表大学校园的可持续发展活动。这些数据提供了对环境问题,政府感知的行动以及在八年内采取行动的权力的概述。建议将此方法用作在入门课程中教授科学方法的技术,并作为收集有关学生对可持续性观点的数据的方法。关于校园努力和对校园可持续发展活动的支持的意识。很少有研究发表关于学生对环境的关注以及大学校园可持续发展活动的研究。这些数据提供了对环境问题,政府感知的行动以及在八年内采取行动的权力的概述。建议将此方法用作在入门班中教授科学方法的技术,并作为收集有关学生对可持续性观点的数据的方法。关于校园努力和对校园可持续发展活动的支持的意识。很少有研究发表关于学生对环境的关注以及大学校园可持续发展活动的研究。这些数据提供了对环境问题,政府感知的行动以及在八年内采取行动的权力的概述。建议将此方法用作在入门课程中教授科学方法的技术,并作为收集有关学生对可持续性观点的数据的方法。在八年的时间里感受到政府的行动和赋予行动的权力。建议将此方法用作在入门班中教授科学方法的技术,并作为收集有关学生对可持续性观点的数据的方法。在八年的时间里感受到政府的行动和赋予行动的权力。建议将此方法用作在入门课程中教授科学方法的技术,并作为收集有关学生对可持续性观点的数据的方法。