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Kuiyuidɨkadɨ (Pyramid Lake Reservation, Nevada)
International Journal of American Linguistics ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1086/707232
Tim Thornes

The Pyramid Lake Reservation is about an hour’s drive northeast of Reno, Nevada. As such, it lies close to the major isogloss boundary that separates Oregon Northern Paiute (including Bannock) fromNevada Northern Paiute (Paviotso). The lake, a remnant of ancient Lake Lahontan, is home to the endemic Lahontan cutthroat trout, known locally as kuiyui, and is a popular fishery. The story of Cannibal Owl, along with a few others, was recorded on a wax cylinder around 1914 (Fowler 1986). This recording of Gilbert Natches from the Pyramid Lake Reservation was made by T. T. Waterman. Waterman had been collaborating with W. L. Marsden, the physician from Burns, Oregon, who had recorded hundreds of pages of notes, vocabularies, and texts with Captain Louie and other Northern Paiute speakers from that area. After Marsden’s untimely death, Natches was enlisted to assist in analyzing the Burns materials, with mixed success, given the featural distinctions in dialect between the two varieties. Natches’ transcription skills, however, resulted in the publication of a few stories in the same UCPAAE volume wherein appears a sample of the Marsden and Louie texts (Natches 1923; Marsden 1923). This is the only story that has an accompanying audio recording. The audio quality is fair to good, considering the fact that it was recorded on a wax cylinder over a century ago. Natches utilizes the same system for writing as is used in the publishedMarsdenmaterials, most notably the letter ‘e’ for phonetic [ɨ]. The signature differences are that Natches includes accents (helpful in determining word and clitic boundaries) and utilizes small capital letters to indicate voiceless vowels (somewhat less helpful for being inconsistent). The English free translation is a slight modification of the original, as Natches’ translation is quite stilted and difficult, at times, to follow.



金字塔湖保护区位于内华达州里诺东北约一小时车程处。因此,它靠近将俄勒冈州北派尤特(包括班诺克)与内华达州北派尤特(Paviotso)分开的主要等光泽边界。该湖是古拉洪坦湖的遗迹,是当地特有的拉洪坦割喉鳟鱼的家园,当地人称为奎鱼,是一种受欢迎的渔业。食人猫头鹰的故事以及其他一些故事是在 1914 年左右记录在蜡缸上的(Fowler 1986)。这张来自金字塔湖保护区的吉尔伯特·纳奇斯的录音是由 TT Waterman 制作的。沃特曼一直与来自俄勒冈州伯恩斯的医生 WL Marsden 合作,他与来自该地区的路易船长和其他北派尤特演讲者一起记录了数百页的笔记、词汇和文本。在马斯登英年早逝之后,考虑到这两个变种在方言上的特征差异,纳奇斯被招募来协助分析伯恩斯的材料,结果喜忧参半。然而,Natches 的转录技巧导致在同一 UCPAAE 卷中发表了一些故事,其中出现了 Marsden 和 Louie 文本的样本(Natches 1923;Marsden 1923)。这是唯一一个附带录音的故事。考虑到它是在一个多世纪前在蜡缸上录制的,因此音频质量相当不错。Natches 使用的书写系统与已出版的马斯登材料中使用的系统相同,最显着的是字母“e”表示语音 [ɨ]。签名差异在于​​ Natches 包括重音(有助于确定单词和clitic 边界)并使用小写大写字母来表示清元音(对于不一致的帮助不大)。英文意译是对原文的轻微修改,因为 Natches 的翻译非常生硬,有时难以理解。