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A Phonological Sketch of Omagua
International Journal of American Linguistics ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1086/705755
Clare S. Sandy , Zachary O’Hagan

This paper presents a sketch of the segmental and prosodic phonology of Omagua, a highly endangered Tupí-Guaraní language of Peru, based on original fieldwork. After reviewing the classification, history, and sociolinguistic situation of the language, we describe phonemic consonant and vowel inventories, arguing especially for an underspecified nasal consonant that in some contexts surfaces as nasality on vowels. We then describe syllable structure, argue for the phonemic status of glides, and review different vowel hiatus resolution strategies. We show that the basic stress pattern in Omagua is penultimate and sensitive to weight in final syllables. Lastly, we briefly describe minimum word requirements and postlexical phonological processes.



本文根据原始田野调查,概述了奥马瓜(秘鲁高度濒危的图皮-瓜拉尼语)的分段和韵律音系。在回顾了该语言的分类、历史和社会语言学状况后,我们描述了音位辅音和元音清单,尤其是对于在某些情况下表现为元音鼻音的未明确鼻辅音进行了论证。然后我们描述了音节结构,论证了滑音的音位状态,并回顾了不同的元音间断解析策略。我们表明 Omagua 中的基本重音模式是倒数第二个并且对最后音节的重量敏感。最后,我们简要描述了最低单词要求和词后语音过程。