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The Press behind the Review: On the Relationship between the Comparative Education Review and the University of Chicago Press
Comparative Education Review ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1086/709747
Bjorn H. Nordtveit

OnMarch 18, 2020, the director of theUniversity of Chicago Press (UCP), the president of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), and the executive director of CIES signed a Memorandum of Agreement for the further publication of Comparative Education Review (CER) by UCP until 2025, with a possible extension beyond 2025. This agreement was based on an open request for proposals issued by CIES in 2019. After an initial review of the proposals by the CIES Standing Committee on Publications in fall 2019, the CIES Board of Directors awarded the contract to UCP in February 2020. This editorial discusses some aspects of the new contract between UCP and CIES for the publication of CER and the contract’s implications for current and prospective authors and readers. It also briefly reviews the evolution of the 38-year relationship between UCP and CIES, through the publication of CER. At the end, I discuss aspects of assessing the quality of the journal from a historical perspective.



它还通过 CER 的发布简要回顾了 UCP 和 CIES 之间 38 年关系的演变。最后,我从历史的角度讨论了评估期刊质量的各个方面。