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Three Questions to Consider before Signing Up for Jeffrey Sachs’s Global Education Plan
Comparative Education Review ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1086/708332
Japhy Wilson

In his George F. Kneller Keynote Lecture to the annual conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) in April 2019, Jeffrey Sachs repeatedly berated his audience for their alleged silence in the face of the educational exclusion of the poorest children of the world. He began by telling them, “You need to fight harder for resources!” Later, he scolded them again: “I don’t want you to be so quiet.” Not content with that, he returned to the theme for a third time: “How quiet. Two hundred and fifty million kids not in school! Where is the global commotion? Where is the outrage? Where is the urgency?” And he concluded his talk with a passionate entreaty: “Please, CIES, make your voices heard. Let me help you to do so.” His audience must have been surprised to be accused of such shameful apathy. After all, around the world, educators have historically been among the most vocal, organized, and progressive professions when it comes to “fighting for resources” and battling for a better future for the world in general and the world’s children in particular. But Sachs was not talking about the struggles of teachers’ unions or the participation of teachers in radical social movements. Indeed, hemadenomentionof either inhis entire address. The reason is simple: When he asked his audience to raise their voices in this undoubtedly important cause, he was not calling on them to engage in political action. He was calling on them to sign up for his plan and to commit to his moral vision. Many in the audience may have been inclined to do so. After all, Sachs is a skilled orator with a compelling message on an urgent issue. But for the benefit of those readers of this journal who were present and others who may be attracted to Sachs’s proposals on this and many other issues, I would like to briefly consider three questions: What is the basis of his moral authority? What are the politics of his plan? And how successful have his plans been in the past?


注册 Jeffrey Sachs 全球教育计划前需要考虑的三个问题

杰弗里·萨克斯 (Jeffrey Sachs) 在 2019 年 4 月在比较与国际教育学会 (CIES) 年会上发表的 George F. Kneller Keynote Lecture 中,一再指责听众在面对世界上最贫困儿童的教育排斥时保持沉默. 他首先告诉他们,“你们需要更加努力地争取资源!” 后来,他又骂了他们一句:“我不要你们这么安静。” 不满足于此,他第三次回到主题:“多么安静。2.5 亿孩子没有上学!全球骚动在哪里?愤怒在哪里?哪里有紧迫感?” 他以热情的恳求结束了他的谈话:“CIES,请让我们听到你的声音。让我帮你做吧。” 他的听众一定很惊讶被指责为如此可耻的冷漠。毕竟,在世界各地,在“为资源而战”和为整个世界特别是世界儿童的更美好未来而战时,教育工作者历来是最有发言权、有组织和进步的职业之一。但萨克斯并不是在谈论教师工会的斗争或教师参与激进的社会运动。事实上,他在他的整个地址中都提到了其中任何一个。原因很简单:当他要求他的听众为这一无疑重要的事业发声时,他并不是在呼吁他们参与政治行动。他呼吁他们签署他的计划并致力于他的道德愿景。观众中的许多人可能倾向于这样做。毕竟,萨克斯是一位技艺精湛的演说家,在紧急问题上传达了令人信服的信息。但是为了在场的本刊读者和其他可能被萨克斯在这个问题和许多其他问题上的建议所吸引的人的利益,我想简单地考虑三个问题:他的道德权威的基础是什么?他的计划的政治是什么?他的计划过去有多成功?