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The Reverse Gender Gap in Adolescents’ Expectation of Higher Education: Analysis of 50 Education Systems
Comparative Education Review ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-01 , DOI: 10.1086/701231
Jon Lauglo , Fengshu Liu

Adolescent girls more often than boys expect higher education in nearly all 50 education systems in TIMSS 2011, before and after controls for effects of educational achievement, education-conducive family resources, and “liking school.” At a macrolevel, this gender disparity is moderately correlated with the gender disparity in “years of schooling” projected by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for children of school-entry age, but weakly with gender inequality in the adult population, and not at all with UNDP’s Human Development Index. A possible explanation for the robust prevalence of a reverse gender gap is that formal education is more influenced than the labor market and family life by “World Society”-mediated gender equity.



在 TIMSS 2011 中,在控制教育成就、有利于教育的家庭资源和“喜欢学校”的影响之前和之后,在几乎所有 50 个教育系统中,青春期女孩比男孩更期待接受高等教育。在宏观层面,这种性别差异与联合国开发计划署(UNDP)为学龄儿童预测的“受教育年限”中的性别差异呈中度相关,但与成人人口中的性别不平等呈微弱相关,而不是完全符合开发计划署的人类发展指数。对反向性别差距的强烈流行的一个可能解释是,正规教育比劳动力市场和家庭生活更受“世界社会”介导的性别平等的影响。