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An Audacious and Imperative Global Social Contract for the Collective Good
Comparative Education Review ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1086/707075
N’dri T. Assié-Lumumba

The theme of the 63rd CIES 2019 annual conference, “Education for Sustainability,” and the topic of the George F. Kneller Keynote Lecture, “A Call for Action to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4” by Jeffrey Sachs, were both on point and, to use a French expression, nous interpellent. Jeffrey Sachs recalled that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) “are fundamentally achievable.” He cited the Scandinavian countries as the frontrunners due to their collective ethos. For better or for worse, history is not destiny. However, we have to read history critically to provide some realistic perspectives on the flow of humanity. Sachs rightly pointed out that the SDGs “are not new goals really. They are newly repackaged. These are goals for 1948.”Why is it that progress is slow and achievements are constantly deferred, whereas the Universal Human Rights Declaration was adopted more than 7 decades ago and an acute climate urgency looms now, exacerbating challenges of social progress? It is worth noting that in the charter of the UN that was signed in the same roomwhere, thanks toDavid Post’s appreciation of themeaning of history, we, the CIES attendees assembled and Jeffrey Sachs delivered his address, chapter 1, article 1, part 2 stipulated “friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.” Starkly, when these visionary words were being crafted and adopted with hope for humanity, France and the United Kingdom were the leading European countries that were still unabashed colonial powers controlling vast territories in Asia and almost the entire continent of Africa that was partitioned at the 1884/85 Berlin Conference. The struggle for freedom and self-determination in these colonies was met with fury by the colonial powers while these two European countries had earned permanent seats in the Security Council. Toward the end of the 15-year term of theMillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs), I contributed to discussions including the one that led to a coedited book (Andrews et al. 2015). In a chapter I authored, “Millennium Development in Retrospect: Higher Education and the Gender Factor in Africa’s Development Beyond 2015,” I argued that the MDGs were flawed, for advocating



第 63 届 CIES 2019 年会的主题“可持续发展教育”和 George F. Kneller 主题演讲的主题“实现可持续发展目标 4 的行动呼吁”由杰弗里·萨克斯 (Jeffrey Sachs) 主持,既切题又,使用法语表达,nous interpellent。杰弗里·萨克斯 (Jeffrey Sachs) 回忆说,可持续发展目标 (SDG)“从根本上是可以实现的”。由于他们的集体精神,他将斯堪的纳维亚国家列为领跑者。不管是好是坏,历史不是命运。然而,我们必须批判性地阅读历史,才能为人类的流动提供一些现实的观点。萨克斯正确地指出,可持续发展目标“实际上并不是新目标。它们是新包装的。这些是1948年的目标。”为什么进展缓慢,成就不断推迟,而《世界人权宣言》是在 7 多年前通过的,现在气候紧迫性迫在眉睫,加剧了社会进步的挑战?值得注意的是,在同一个房间签署的联合国宪章中,感谢大卫·波斯特对历史意义的赞赏,我们,CIES与会者聚集在一起,杰弗里·萨克斯发表了他的讲话,第一章第一条第二部分规定“建立在尊重平等权利和人民自决原则基础上的国家间友好关系,并采取其他适当措施加强普遍和平。” 显然,当这些有远见的词被精心制作和采用时,人们怀着对人类的希望,法国和英国是欧洲的主要国家,它们仍然是毫不掩饰的殖民大国,他们控制着亚洲和几乎整个非洲大陆的广阔领土,这些领土在 1884/85 年柏林会议上被瓜分。在这两个欧洲国家赢得安理会常任理事国席位的同时,这些殖民地争取自由和自决权的斗争遭到了殖民大国的愤怒。在千年发展目标 (MDG) 的 15 年任期即将结束时,我参与了讨论,包括导致合编一本书的讨论(Andrews 等人,2015 年)。在我撰写的一章“回顾千年发展:高等教育和 2015 年后非洲发展中的性别因素”中,我认为千年发展目标存在缺陷,因为倡导 在这两个欧洲国家赢得安理会常任理事国席位的同时,这些殖民地争取自由和自决权的斗争遭到了殖民大国的愤怒。在千年发展目标 (MDG) 的 15 年任期即将结束时,我参与了讨论,包括导致合编一本书的讨论(Andrews 等人,2015 年)。在我撰写的一章“回顾千年发展:高等教育和 2015 年后非洲发展中的性别因素”中,我认为千年发展目标存在缺陷,因为倡导 在这两个欧洲国家赢得安理会常任理事国席位的同时,这些殖民地争取自由和自决权的斗争遭到了殖民大国的愤怒。在千年发展目标 (MDG) 的 15 年任期即将结束时,我参与了讨论,包括导致合编一本书的讨论(Andrews 等人,2015 年)。在我撰写的一章“回顾千年发展:高等教育和 2015 年后非洲发展中的性别因素”中,我认为千年发展目标存在缺陷,因为倡导