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The Art of Protest in Latin America: A Media Review of Ana Tijoux’s Cacerolazo and Other Protest Art in Latin America’s 2019 Uprisings
Comparative Education Review ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1086/708335
Andrea Alejandra Gordillo Marquina

In October 2019, Chile erupted into ongoing civil protests. Explained by mainstream media as a response to a hike in the cost of public transportation by 30 pesos (.038 USD), demonstrators insist that the uprisings are not due to the amount of the hike but to the social inequality, police violence, and political abuse generated by neoliberal forces introduced by Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship. Often recognized as the world’s “laboratory” for neoliberalism (Barder 2013, 111), Chile reflects astounding economic and social inequality. Neoliberalism on steroids has inspired the vast majority of people not able to afford life commodified to take to the streets despite a state of emergency and curfew imposed by Chilean president Sebastián Piñera. On October 21, Chilean-French rap artist Ana Tijoux released on Instagram a 1-minute clip (Tijoux 2019) of a compilation of videos of the Chilean masses protesting set to the tune of a new song, Cacerolazo. The lyrics of this song teach the history of this most recent Chilean uprising. The first verse, “Quema, despierta, Renuncia Piñera / Por la Alameda, es nuestra LaMoneda / No son treinta peso’, son treinta año / La constitución, y los perdonazo’ / Con puño y cuchara frente al aparato/Ya todoelEstado, cacerolazo!” (Burn,wakeup, Piñera renounce /ThroughLa Alameda, LaMoneda is ours / It’s not 30 pesos, it’s 30 years / The constitution, and everything we’ve forgiven / With fists and spoons before the apparatus / And the entire State, cacerolazo!), expresses the Chilean people’s indignation with 30 years of neoliberal violence, an oppressive constitution, and abuse from the government, particularly the presidency under Piñera, who has been urged by his people to resign. Cacerolazo’s lyrics are not the only aspects of the song that teach a history of rebellion. The song is set to the infectious beat of pots, pans, spoons, and other kitchen utensils, alluding to Latin America’s long history of using household items as weapons of rebellion. Dating back to the 1980s in Chile and Argentina, making noise with cacerolas (the Spanish term for kitchen pans) have


拉丁美洲的抗议艺术:对 Ana Tijoux 的 Cacerolazo 和拉丁美洲 2019 年起义中的其他抗议艺术的媒体评论

2019 年 10 月,智利爆发了持续的民间抗议活动。主流媒体将其解释为对公共交通费用上涨 30 比索(0.038 美元)的回应,示威者坚持认为起义不是由于上涨幅度,而是由于社会不平等、警察暴力和政治奥古斯托·皮诺切特 (Augusto Pinochet) 独裁统治引入的新自由主义势力造成的虐待 智利通常被认为是新自由主义的世界“实验室”(Barder 2013, 111),它反映了令人震惊的经济和社会不平等。尽管智利总统塞巴斯蒂安·皮涅拉(Sebastián Piñera)实施了紧急状态和宵禁,但类固醇的新自由主义激励了绝大多数无法负担商品化生活的人走上街头。10月21日,智利-法国说唱艺术家 Ana Tijoux 在 Instagram 上发布了一段 1 分钟的剪辑 (Tijoux 2019),其中收录了智利群众抗议的视频汇编,并配上了新歌 Cacerolazo 的曲调。这首歌的歌词讲述了最近智利起义的历史。第一段,“Quema, despierta, Renuncia Piñera / Por la Alameda, es nuestra LaMoneda / No son treinta peso', son treinta año / La constitución, y los perdonazo' / Con puño y cuchara frente al aparadolato/Ya !” (燃烧,唤醒,皮涅拉放弃/通过阿拉米达,拉莫内达是我们的/这不是 30 比索,而是 30 年/宪法,以及我们已经原谅的一切/在设备前用拳头和勺子/和整个州,cacerolazo!) ,表达了智利人民对 30 年新自由主义暴力、压迫性宪法的愤慨,和政府的虐待,尤其是皮涅拉 (Piñera) 领导下的总统职位,他的人民已敦促他辞职。Cacerolazo 的歌词并不是这首歌讲述反叛历史的唯一方面。这首歌以锅、平底锅、勺子和其他厨房用具的感染力为背景,暗指拉丁美洲使用家居用品作为反抗武器的悠久历史。追溯到 1980 年代的智利和阿根廷,用 cacerolas(西班牙语中的厨房平底锅)制造噪音 暗指拉丁美洲使用家居用品作为反抗武器的悠久历史。追溯到 1980 年代的智利和阿根廷,用 cacerolas(西班牙语中的厨房平底锅)制造噪音 暗指拉丁美洲使用家居用品作为反抗武器的悠久历史。追溯到 1980 年代的智利和阿根廷,用 cacerolas(西班牙语中的厨房平底锅)制造噪音