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Investigating synchronous and asynchronous class attendance as predictors of academic success in online education
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-28 , DOI: 10.14742/ajet.5137
Johanna Elizabeth Nieuwoudt

Learning is facilitated by participation and interaction and can be synchronously or asynchronously in online education. This study investigated the relationship between students’ academic success and online interaction and participation and explored their class attendance (synchronous virtual classes and/or watching the recorded virtual classes) in the online study mode of an enabling program at Southern Cross University in Australia. The Preparing for Success at SCU Program equips students with study skills for success at university. The data were retrieved from usage information data provided by the Blackboard Learn learning management system. The results show that it is important for students to attend class, but it does not necessarily make a difference whether students attend synchronous virtual classes or watch the recordings of the virtual classes. A significant relationship was found between academic success and the number of hours students participated in and interacted with the online learning system. Academic success may be increased by providing various options for students to participate and interact online, and to attend classes synchronously or asynchronously. The flexibility of online education can enable students to be successful in their studies. The inclusion of varied activities is therefore recommended to increase academic success in online education.



参与和互动促进了学习,并且在线教育中可以同步或异步进行学习。这项研究调查了学生的学业成就与在线互动和参与之间的关系,并在澳大利亚南十字大学的一项启用计划的在线学习模式下探讨了他们的课堂出勤率(同步虚拟课程和/或观看录制的虚拟课程)。在SCU计划中为成功做准备,为学生提供在大学取得成功的学习技能。该数据是从Blackboard Learn学习管理系统提供的使用情况信息数据中检索的。结果表明,对学生来说上课很重要,但是学生是否参加同步虚拟课或观看虚拟课的录音并不一定会有所不同。发现学术成就与学生参与在线学习系统并与之互动的小时数之间存在显着的关系。通过为学生提供各种选择以在线参与和互动以及同步或异步上课,可以提高学业上的成功。在线教育的灵活性可以使学生在学习中取得成功。因此,建议包括各种活动,以提高在线教育的学术成就。通过为学生提供各种选择,使其可以在线参与和互动以及同步或异步参加课程,可以提高学术成就。在线教育的灵活性可以使学生在学习中取得成功。因此,建议包括各种活动,以提高在线教育的学术成就。通过为学生提供各种选择,使其可以在线参与和互动以及同步或异步参加课程,可以提高学术成就。在线教育的灵活性可以使学生在学习中取得成功。因此,建议包括各种活动,以提高在线教育的学术成就。