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An evidence-based case for quality online initial teacher education
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-28 , DOI: 10.14742/ajet.5513
Lina Pelliccione , Valerie Morey , Rebecca Walker , Chad Morrison

The rapid expansion of fully online delivery of initial teacher education (ITE) seen in the past decade has generated some concerns about impact on teacher quality. This is set within broader, sustained concerns about ITE generally. Much of the criticism of online ITE has been made without sufficient evidence to support the claims, largely due to the still-nascent evidence base. The data presented here contributes to that evidence base by providing demographic and academic achievement insights for cohorts of graduate teachers (N = 2008) across the years 2012 to 2018 who have engaged in fully online ITE at an Australian university. The literature has recognised the traditional barriers to accessing higher education for many of these students, including women, the mature-aged, and those with family and work responsibilities. Performance data for online ITE students within their programs demonstrates that they are breaking through these barriers associated with the digital divide. Analysis of who these people are, where they come from, and how they are performing provides valuable insights into online ITE, at a time when the value of broadening access to education and digital equity are being widely acknowledged.



在过去的十年中,完全在线交付的初等教师教育(ITE)迅速发展,已经引起了对教师素质影响的担忧。通常,这是在对ITE的更广泛,持续的关注范围内设置的。对在线ITE的许多批评都是在没有足够证据支持这些主张的情况下做出的,这主要是由于仍处于新生阶段的证据基础。此处提供的数据通过为2012年至2018年间在澳大利亚大学从事完全在线ITE培训的研究生教师群体(N = 2008)提供人口统计和学术成就见解,从而为该证据基础做出了贡献。文献已经认识到许多此类学生,包括女性,成年女性以及承担家庭和工作职责的学生,在获得高等教育方面存在传统障碍。在线ITE学生在其计划中的表现数据表明,他们正在克服与数字鸿沟相关的这些障碍。在人们广泛认识到扩大受教育机会和数字平等的价值的时候,对这些人的身份,来自何处以及他们的表现的分析提供了对在线ITE的宝贵见解。